in bloom #3 🥀

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Luis pulls away from Cristiano, his face flushing red in embarrassment. He glances at the door, then back to Cristiano, feeling even more guilty. He opens his mouth to say something, but nothing comes out.

"What!?" Marcelo yells like a maniac, before shutting the door, most likely running off to be with the rest of the Real players.

Luis can feel the blood draining from his face. He looks at Cristiano, hoping he can just brush it off and say it was nothing, but he can tell from the way his friend was staring at him that it's not that simple.

"Luis, what the fuck is going on here?!" Marcelo yells, his voice still muffled by the door. So he's still here.

"Marcelo, it's not what it looks like," Luis tries to explain, but he's not sure how it sounds, and he can see from the way Cristiano is looking at him, that he's not buying it either.

"What is going on here?!" Marcelo yells again, kicking the door open. He takes one look at the two of them, their faces flushed and guilty, and his eyes nearly pop out of his head. "Oh my god, you two... you were... you were..." His voice trails off, and he looks like he's about to be sick.

Cristiano glances nervously between Luis and Marcelo. He knows he should say something, but he can't find the words. He feels like he's been punched in the gut all over again, but this time it's not from the pain, it's from the realization that everyone knows what they were doing.

Marcelo finally recovers, stepping further into the room. His eyes dart between them, his expression a mix of shock, disgust, and betrayal. "You were fucking..." he accuses, pointing a shaking finger at them. "You were having sex!"

Cristiano winces, looking away. He can't deny it now, not after everything that's happened. "Yes, Marcelo, we were," he says softly. "It wasn't something we planned, it just... happened."

Marcelo takes a step back, looking between them with disbelief. "You two... you're together?" he asks, his voice cracking. Luis feels a fresh wave of shame wash over him as he nods.

"I know it's not an excuse, but it just happened," Luis tries to explain. "We weren't planning on it, I swear."

"You were drinking and you didn't think about the consequences?" Marcelo asks, his voice tight. "You knew what you were doing!"

Cristiano winces. "No, it wasn't like that," he insists. "It just happened. It wasn't planned."

Marcelo looks like he wants to believe him, but he can't quite bring himself to. "You're fucking kidding me, right? You're seriously trying to tell me that you didn't know what you were doing?" he asks, his voice rising in disbelief.

"Luis and I..." Cristiano's about to lie again, but Luis stops him.

"Yeah, we were having sex. Because he's my boyfriend, jackass." Luis huffs. "I think that's enough reason."

Cristiano's head snaps around to face him. "Luis, you can't say that!"

"Why not?" Luis asks, confused. "It's the truth, isn't it?"

Marcelo takes another step back, shaking his head. "You can't be serious," he mutters. "You were my best friend, my brother... and you were fucking him of all people behind my back?!" He looks at Luis, angry, then at Cristiano with disbelief. "This changes everything."

"It's not like you actually love me, Marce. Right?"

Marcelo glares at him. "Of course I love you, you idiot! But you... you just..." He trails off, shaking his head. "I can't believe you did this."

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