📘 FIFA High #2

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"Merda, merda, merda," Cristiano ran at his full speed, probably running over a freshman in the process. He quickly opened the door to Ancelotti's class, praying to whoever the hell's up there that he wasn't late. He gulped, hoping the Italian would have mercy.

"Cristiano? Why are you just standing there, come in."

Ronaldo sighed, feeling relieved that he didn't have to run all the way to Academic Support to get a late pass. He sat next to Thibaut, putting his bag on the floor.

"You okay?" Courtois said, his Belgian accent thick. Clearly English wasn't his forté - he sounded way better in Spanish and Portuguese. "You look pretty tired."

"Yeah, I'm, uh.. fine." Cristiano replied, straightening himself. "I was just running a lot."

"Cool, cool." Thibaut was trying very hard to not screw this up - I mean, Cristiano didn't really care, at least he acted like it, but he was like FIFA High royalty. Even people who didn't know him that well simped for him. Like Courtois. He wanted to say something, to talk and have a good, normal conversation with the magical bicho - who he knew was probably harmless, but he was just a simple giraffe, he didn't feel like he was enough to hang out with Ronaldo and his friends. He took a shaky breath, feeling like he wanted to cry. But he held it back, Cristiano in his own little world.

The Portuguese twirled his pen around, as Ancelotti explained. The thoughts soon got overwhelming for Thibaut, and he went out into the bathroom to try and calm down. Nope.

He was here in the bathroom, bawling his eyes out, over a guy who most likely forgets who he is 90% of the time. Cristiano was so perfect, so amazing, so beautiful. That's why Courtois felt like he didn't have a chance. He stopped crying, suddenly.

"No. I.. I have to make a move, somehow. But, it's just.. How?" He asked himself, getting out of the stall he was in to wash his face. After drying off and letting go of all those thoughts, he walked back into class and sat down next to Cristiano.

He needed some kind of opportunity.

* * *

Robert was waiting for Thomas to arrive to History class, and as he waited, he couldn't help but notice how close Pablo and Pedro were getting. Robert wasn't the type to assume things just from a couple of interactions, but he felt like they were something more than friends. He decided to keep his mouth shut for now, I mean, he could be completely wrong. As he doodled pictures of him and his friends doing whatever. He smiled softly as he saw Thomas sit down next to him.

"Hallo!" The German said enthusiastically, smiling brightly. He seemed happier, I mean, Thomas was almost always happy - but he seemed even happier, if that was even possible.

"What happened, hm? Did Manuel give you chocolates?"

"Yes, and he also said that he's taking me on a date," Thomas blushed lightly, still smiling. Robert smiled as well, however he reflected a bit on how he was still single, and he didn't really have many options. Marco was already dating Mario, and he didn't really want to date Marco, plus he didn't wanna be a homewrecker. Thomas was dating Manuel, same thing. The only other friend he knew in that way was Pablo, but he was a senior, no way he would date a freshman. Maybe he was just destined to be single in high school. "Robert? Helloooo?"

Robert snapped out of his thoughts, looking back at Thomas. "Sorry, just.. thinking about something."

Thomas raised an eyebrow. "Are you, like, in love or something?"

"What!? No, no! I'm not interested in anyone here."

"Alright, kids, shut up. We're gonna learn about World War 2 today." Pep said, putting on some random video about how Germany betrayed the USSR, how it invaded France and Poland, etc.

Robert's face dropped as everyone looked at him and Thomas. "Oh my god." he mumbled, knowing that he was going to be memed into oblivion now.

"Die Leute werden so viele Nazi-Witze machen..."

* * *

"Are you kidding me!?" Andy yelled angrily, seeing that Arby's had gotten more votes over Papa John's. "This is so stupid. Who would take Arby's over Papa John's!?"

"Come on, Andy.. Arby's isn't that bad!" Trent said, frowning a little.

"No. Trent, why would you put this disgrace of a fast food place on the voting?"

Trent scoffed. "Arby's is peak food, Andy! They have the meats!"

"Well, their meats suck. No way Papa John's got knocked out by Arby's."

"Andy, let go.. Papa John's lost. That's it." Mo frowned, he didn't like to see his friends fighting.

"Whatever. Pizza Hut better win." Andy rolled his eyes, sitting in his seat like a little gremlin child, Trent having a victorious smile on his face.

"It will." Virgil said, in his scary voice.

"Nuh uh. Arby's is gonna win."

"Sure, sure.."

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