🌿 lush

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He had been called by the manager, telling him to personally greet the newest team member due to Zlatan being out for the past 2 weeks or so. He'd seen the kid on TV, he was a great winger. They were steps closer to winning the league because of him.

He saw him talking to Koeman. His shirt and pants were obviously tight, just like on TV, probably on purpose. These young omegas were such whores, and he looked like he'd be a great one. Ronaldo looked at him and walked up to him.

"Uh.. hello," he murmurs. "My name is Zlatan. Yours?" What a stupid question. He knew his name already, but this is how you introduce yourself, right? They had seen each other the day Zlatan got injured, which was the same day Ronaldo was supposed to introduce himself, and he was fashionably late, so the Portuguese arrived about 2 minutes before Zlatan got injured.

"Cristiano Ronaldo." So this is the starlet Omega from Sporting. "I'm glad to be here," he murmurs, tucking his hair behind his ear. "Can you show me around?" That's strange. Had Koeman really waited 2 weeks for him to come back just to show him around? Poor thing must've taken so long to find the locker rooms on his own.

"Of course. You must've gotten lost in here," He gestures for him to follow as he leads him to the changing room. "So, how are you with your feet? In your opinion."

"Well, I consider myself good with skills and with finishing," he says simply, hands in his pockets.

"Hm, so you're more of a striker." He stops in front of their changing room and opens the door for him, waiting till he steps in. "That's good, means you don't have to be a part of those idiotic ones that make me want to retire early."

"I can play anywhere that's attacking, you know. I prefer to play on the wings or striker, but I could do midfield too." He smirks, clearly proud of his versatility.

"The last thing this team needs is more midfielders, we're stacked already. Now I'm curious about how good you are with the ball," Cristiano's grin falls as he expects praise for his abilities, not... that.

He motions for Cristiano to get some space and starts passing a ball towards him before sprinting towards him. Cristiano dribbles the ball, actually confusing Zlatan, then nutmegging him and getting the ball. Zlatan smirks. "Impressive."

"You're making this too easy, I thought you were the best player here," he grins. "Soon you won't be, so take advantage."

The tall Swede walks toward him. "I see. Yeah, you can dream. Can't believe you being better than me, to be honest, but I see a lot of potential for someone so young."

Cristiano stretches, his too-tight shorts showing off everything and his kit lifts up a little. Zlatan still wonders why he got it in a size too small if you could choose your exact size. "Not my first time hearing that,"

Zlatan stares at his toned thighs, finding himself slightly lost in thought. "I can imagine. I assume you never had any problems finding a girlfriend?"

"Actually, I've never had one," he murmurs. "I'm a virgin, too. I'm not a fuckboy like you."

The kid was full of surprises, he was a virgin. Zlatan was used to most young males being the opposite, which he didn't mind at all. He wouldn't mind breaking him in either. It was obvious this boy wanted it.

"I'm sure you won't be for much longer," Zlatan says. "And how have you never had a girlfriend? Don't give me that 'I like sports more' bullshit, either."

"Well, I do like sports more! And what is that supposed to mean!?" he jeers, getting defensive. "I simply... like men more." he blushes.

There's little blush on his cheeks. Why is he so unintentionally cute? He takes a step closer. "You like men, yet you're still a virgin," He grins, he's enjoying taking his time with this one.

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