Party (2)

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Cody's POV
As of now, the part was really kicking off! I was perched on top of Neil's shoulders because he'd said, "can't risk having a twink-sized splatter on the ground in case something goes wrong."

I didn't really feel like dancing so I was content with sipping the refreshing strawberry punch while atop Neil's shoulders while he stood by the kitchen in case Owen tried to break in.

I could see Harold dancing the tango with one of Noah's older sisters who had white diamonds painted under her eyes, and honestly I was surprised he could actually dance.

Guess tango was really one of his "mad skills" after all.

"So, Cody, is it?" Neil suddenly remarked. "Yeah?" "Noah talks a lot about you." I had no clue why but my face heated up slightly when he said that.

"Oh, r-really? What'd he say?" I asked, trying to keep my cool while squealing like a girl inside that the cynical lord of sheer sarcasm Noah of all people actually talked about me.

The older man laughed. "Can't really say or he's going to kill me. Trust me though, it's all positive."

Just as I was about reply, I heard one of the Sterecra brothers let out a screech. "OI! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" Neil cocked his head in the direction of the voice and sighed. "This can't be good; Nathan rarely screams."

Imagine my horror when mere moments later a shrill voice screams, "LET ME GO! I'M HERE TO SEE MY CODYKINS!"

"Ah shit. Your stalker, ain't it?" Neil sighed. I nodded, trembling in fear. How did Sierra even know where the exact location of the Sterecra household was?!

I didn't have time to panic further as Nelson came over with both the twins riding on his shoulders as well. Nova slid down and said, "Come on, Coco. You can hide in our room."

Neil placed me down and hurriedly, the twin girl grabbed my hand and rushed me upstairs, Nelson and Noah a short distance behind.

From the corner of my eye, I could distinctly see Neil grab a machete from a storage compartment nearby as Sierra's screaming got louder.

Soon, we reached the second level corridor and Nova flung open the door leading to a room with a bunk bed inside. As soon as everyone was inside she flung the door shut and locked it securely.

Nelson, who was the brother in a white shirt and denim suspenders, immediately stood in front the door to block it and Noah slid down his shoulders and locked the window that led to the balcony outside.

As this was happening, I got a better look at the twins' bedroom. The ivory bunk bed was in the corner of the room by the windows, with windchimes hanging by the bottom bunk.

There was a blue rug on the floor and a study desk at the other end of the room. Beside the desk were about three beanbags and right by the door was a cabinet with a bookshelf against the wall.

I shuddered as the screaming went on downstairs, and as a door slammed shut next to the room we were in I could only assume something bad had happened.

Noah came over and gave me a comforting hug, and I immediately leaned into the touch, burying my face into the crook of his neck as he patted my back comfortingly.

Suddenly, our phones began going off as messages began popping up, and I opened my phone to read it.
Total Drama People!!







Noah: what the hell is going on

Harold: Sierra's going cuckoo and she screaming for Cody, Nathan, Nadia and Neil are trying to chase her out but she's struggling against them and everyone else ran and is either hiding or trying to help get her out

Nova: and where are you in all this?

Harold: I ran up to the attic with Naomi and Tyler as soon as Sierra pulled out a taser

Noah: she pulled out a what now

Courtney: she has a taser and Neil is pointing a machete at her

Trent: where's Cody

Nova: locked in our room with me, Noah and our older brother Nelson

Trent: good

Alejandro: OH SHIT


Gwen: I'm locked in Nina's room with Katie and DJ what's going on and why did the screaming get louder

Alejandro: Nathan has a shotgun

Noah: fuck

Noah: Sierra better back off now and leave if she values her life

Eva: wdym by that???

Nova: Nathan's gun is fully loaded and he'll actually shoot if she doesn't back down

Eva: oh shit

Noah: make sure she does not come upstairs in any way or finds the way to the balconies


Geoff: you got it
I bit back a choked sob and hurriedly switched off my phone and hugged Noah tighter.

I was so scared.

This was all my fault.
Alejandro's POV
Well this was fantastic. Currently I was standing with my back pressed to the wall near the kitchen with Heather and Duncan beside me.

Sierra was beyond borderline batshit crazy; she had revealed that she had installed a tracking device to Cody's phone so she could be with him always and was blatantly refusing to leave despite three people pointing murder weapons at her.

Yep; Neil was pointing a machete at her, Nathan had a loaded shotgun aimed at her head and Nadia was pointing an AXE at her.

I know; I'm not exactly sure how lazy, cynical Noah is related to these three at all.

"LET ME SEE MY CODYKINS!" She screeched, a deranged look of insanity clear on her face. Nathan aimed his gun to her head and roared, "GET THE FUCK OUT OUR HOUSE!"

Nadia raised her axe and shouted, "Maldito pedazo de mierda, te voy a cortar la garganta!" I stared at her in shock. She could speak Spanish??

Before anyone could do anything next, there was a swift motion and minutes later a flash of tan knocked the stalker fangirl to the ground, taser flying out her grasp.

That flash apparently turned out to be Nova, who had somehow shot down the balcony and was now wrestling a screeching Sierra to the ground while spitting all the worst profanities possible.

Moments later the trio had lunged forth and tackled her down as well, and Neil bellowed, "SOMEONE CALL THE FUCKING POLICE!"

Needless to say the police was called and Sierra was taken away real fast after the security footage and witness statements were all given.

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