All my homies dont like Justin

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(Sorry to any Justin stans out there but me personally I do not like him at all)
TW for body dysmorphia and internal homophobia

Harold: nice going Kalani

Cody: really nice going Justin

Justin: what'd I do???

Harold: you seriously couldn't go without showing off for one day?

Katie: what happened?

Harold: Kalani bet that he could look good in Noah's clothing and now Noah doesn't even want to wear his favourite clothes anymore because people keep saying Justin looks better in all the outfits Noah used to wear and Justin's rubbing it in his face

Katie: what the hell

Heather: what outfits did he even wear

Cody: Noah's signature Total Drama style, his performance uniform, three of his casual fits and the clothes Nathan managed to get for him from his modelling job

Justin: it's not my fault I look good in everything and he doesn't

Cody: how fucking dare you

Nova: so that's what happened

Owen: I mean Justin does look really good in the outfits, when Noah's wrong he's wrong

Cody: Owen you're supposed to be his friend what the hell

Trent: it's just some outfits it's not that big a deal

Nova: that's easy for you to say

Nova: @Noah can I

Noah: just go ahead it's not even a secret at this rate, I need to get it off my back anyway

Nova: k

Nova: that's easy for all of you to assume considering you all haven't struggled with body dysmorphia and gender reassignment surgery before

Cody: wait what

Noah: surprise

Noah: my name used to be Nia

Cody: holy shit

Cody: wait that's so cool

Harold: you're trans??

Noah: yes

Heather: wait that's actually cool, we couldn't tell at all

Duncan: kinda explains the twinkiness

Gwen: don't worry Noah we support you

DJ: you're valid no matter what!

Bridgette: we'll support you no matter what Noah!

Eva: that's neat tbh



Noah: thanks coco

Nova: come on bro we gon get a new wardrobe for ya, the rest of the Sterecra Ten are already in the van

Noah: coming

Nova: Cody and Harold y'all get going too we're coming to get u two a new wardrobe too

Heather: about fucking time

Harold: oi

Cody: hey!

Noah: she's not wrong

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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