Sterecra Ten

674 7 50

Cody: holy shit Noah and Nova's siblings are so cool

Alejandro: how cool are they?

Cody: they all know how to wrestle :O

Nova: we like fighting here in the household, pity mama doesn't like it

Heather: because you all act like a bunch of literal Neanderthals when you wrestle?

Nova: no

Noah: it's because it's not a good influence to our little sibs Nancy and Nico


Noah: which one

Noah: I have five

Cody: the one with dark brown hair and hazel-amber eyes

Nova: ...

Noah: Cody, there are three sisters who have those exact features, Nova doesn't count because she's my twin and Nadia's eyes are green-grey

Cody: the one with the eyebrow piercing?

Noah: oh Nina

Noah: why though



Nova: I think it's only cause she thinks you're dating Noah

Harold: that's nice of her, I suppose

Trent: that's surprising, never knew we still had some fans out there

Justin: I'm offended she thinks the twink is better than me

Harold: also Cody where the hell are you I turn for one minute and you vanished

Noah: he's in Nathan's room and he's getting his ass kicked at Mario Kart

Nova: by a fucking SEVEN-YEAR OLD



Heather: that's a new level of lame

Harold: @Noah I hear screaming what happened

Noah: Cody lost the match and Nico decided to scare him with Nathan's tarantula

Duncan: Scruffy???

Noah: no we call his tarantula 'Ms lord have mercy' from oh god no land

Noah: because that thing is EVIL

Gwen: cat be that bad right? it's just a spider

Nova: I beg to differ, that thing is the size of Harold's FACE and its attitude is nastier than the gift Noah's dog left on the floor

Noah: I said sorry

Nova: 🙄

Trent: what's happening to Cody now?

Harold: I just saw him run out of Nathan's room and jump onto Noah and now they're squashing each other on the sofa

Izzy: noco

Heather: noco

Justin: noco

Trent: noco

Nova: noco

Noah: stop

Eva: no

Owen: co

Noah: you all suck

Noah: and also Harold get him off me I can't breathe

Harold: coming
The ginger couldn't help but snicker at the sight that awaited him when he put his phone down to go and help the older twin out.

Cody was tightly hugging Noah, eyes wide and hysterical at the sight of Noah's little brother Nico holding out a massive tarantula the size of his face.

The two were also comically perched on the end of the sofa, and Noah looked like he was about to die. Seconds later, however, the one who actually owned the spider, Noah's third oldest sibling Nathan, came running.

"Nico!" He scolded. "I told you not to take Spindle out of her cage to scare people!" The little boy made a noise of audible disappointment as the older teen took the spider from his smaller hands.

"Sorry Cody, sorry Noah," he called out. The brunette heaved a visible sigh of relief and released the darker haired boy, who began coughing.

Nathan smiled sheepishly at Harold and quickly apologised before going back to his room to put the spider in its cage, Nico following suit.

Nova peeked her head around the corner and smiled at the ginger. "Thanks for the caffeinated chewing gum, Harold, really needed it," she chuckled.

"No problem," he responded while ruffling her hair gently. Though their personalities were near polar opposites, both twins looked uncannily similar to each other to a huge degree.

Honestly if Noah were to tie up his hair he'd look like a carbon copy of his sister already. The only other difference besides their genders was that Nova's face was a little more narrow.

Harold followed Nova as she approached the sofa and plopped down next to her twin and Harold's fellow Drama Brother, nestling down beside her.

"Soooo..." Nova grinned cheekily. "Is noco canon yet?"


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