Saved Life

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Noah yawned as he roused himself from his slumber. Gently untangling his limbs from his twin's, he carefully slid down from the top bunk with a soft thump, making sure not to wake up his brother.

The nights in the hospital were lonely, and he had missed his family dearly. He was happy to be back home.

Carefully, he opened the door and tiptoed out into the corridor and went down the stairs to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

However, as he got his water and finished it, he started getting the feeling he wasn't alone.

Someone was watching him.

Suddenly, a loud bang startled him. Given the chance of fight or flight, Noah rarely ever chose fight. He'd be beaten in a heartbeat.

So he fled to the storage closet and hid there.

Noah's POV
I heard a loud bang from across the hall, assuming it's the front door. I can barely see through the small hole, seeing as the lights are all off. I hear another, louder bang.

There's a voice speaking from the other side of said door, but I can't quite tell what it's saying.

Then there's the third bang, followed by the sound of something sliding down the hall. I can hear the voice, so I assume the thing that came down was the front door.

The voice is Sierra's. She's speaking, possibly trying to talk to me, but i couldn't hear her. I can hear footsteps coming closer.

Too close.

As I had mentioned before, I was unarmed and very, very vulnerable. The footsteps now grow louder and louder until they stop.

She's right outside the door to the room I'm in.

"I know you're in there Noah," she says, a scrabbling noise coming from outside. "Don't be afraid..."

She twists the doorknob violently.

"Open up, now!"

The scratching noise is now louder, and with every single scratch the door jiggles a bit.

I could open the door. I know it sounds crazy, but if I'm quick and strong enough, I could hit her with the door and make a run for it.

So that's exactly what I do. Within the next few seconds, I find myself unlatching the lock, quiet enough not to alarm her, then quickly slamming open the door. There is a bang, and then a thud.

As I bolted from the room, I can see her lying on the floor. My first instinct would be to run, but I'm frozen in shock.

There was a knife in her hand.

I turned around and began to run. I can hear movement from behind me. Immediately, I turned to try and go up the stairs, and this was the worst decision I could have made.

She quickly catches up to me and tackles me, pinning me to the floor. The blade from the knife is so close to my skin.

"Finally, I have you right where I want you..." she starts, staring me in the eyes. She looks like she's gone insane, which, judging by her past actions, I can say is probably true.

"Now you can stay away from my codykins, forever."

She raises the knife just above her head, prepared to stab me.
I feel like I can't breathe, partly because she's on top of me, partly because I'm scared.

So, so scared.

All of a sudden I heard a deafening gunshot and Sierra screeches, but not like a screech as if she were angry, but in pain.

I watch as her body falls back slightly, and four more gunshots sound out from behind me. Quickly, I squirmed out from under her, kicking her away.

The bullets struck Sierra in the head, throat, chest and arm respectively, and as she toppled backwards off me, gasping, at least five more sounded out and all collectively struck her in the head.

She fell back, spasming and gasping, and shakily, I turned to see Nathan crouched on the stairs, his gun in trembling hands as he stared back at me with wide eyes.

He dropped his gun immediately and raced over before he swept me up into an embrace, and finally I let the tears of fear fall as I clutched to his shirt.

"No more fear, big brother is here," he whispered softly, holding me close as he stroked my back. His own tears wet my hair as he held me closer.

I just cried harder, and was only faintly aware of the calamity that happened as the rest of my family came down to the scene.

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