What He Sees

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Alejandro Burromuerto was handsome and he knew it. His dark hair, sharp green eyes and chiseled features turned heads as he strode down the hall.

His reputation preceded him - he was known as one of the most manipulative and ruthless competitors in Total Drama.

But Alejandro wasn't content with just being a feared figure in the game. He had his sights set on a bigger prize - winning the million. And he knew exactly how to achieve it.

In his first few challenges, he had gotten to know his team better, and while he wasn't too impressed with most of the other competitors, there was one who stood out.

While the girls swooned and the guys frowned, Noah seemed unfazed by Alejandro's presence. This only intrigued Alejandro more.

It was at one point he made it his mission to woo Noah and use him as an advantage in the game. He used his charm and wit to approach Noah, but the boy remained cold and sarcastic.

But Alejandro was not one to give up easily. He saw it as a challenge and continued to pursue Noah, determined to crack his tough exterior.

As days went by, Alejandro found himself genuinely falling for Noah. He was drawn to the boy's sharp mind and snarky humor. But his plans to overthrow Noah never left his mind.

With his manipulative ways, Alejandro managed to gather a group of allies who were willing to do anything to help him achieve his goals.

Despite Noah's intelligence, Alejandro's charm and his rather scheming ways proved to be a very formidable opponent indeed.

A lot of the competitors started to turn towards Alejandro, seeing him as a caring person who was actually willing to pull his weight.

But amidst all the plotting and manipulation, Alejandro's feelings for Noah were becoming too strong to ignore. He found himself looking forward to their interactions and seeking ways to impress him.

Alejandro was torn between his ambition and his growing feelings for Noah. So when Noah insulted him in 'I See London', that had given him the chance he needed to get rid of him and those pesky butterflies.

Except the butterflies didn't go away, only becoming worse and worse.

Dating Heather was a mere distraction from the snarky boy, but even though she was ferocious, beautiful and wild, she would never be Noah.

No one would be able to replace the cynic in his heart.

It happened a month after Ridonculous Race; he had seen Noah out at the park, reading. His style had changed so much from his Total Drama days, and he looked simply beautiful.

The Burromuerto family had a saying. 'If we want it, we take it.'

Alejandro was determined to stick to that saying. So he approached Noah, and began to strike up conversation. Granted the boy was still icier than ever towards him, but it did not matter.

After all, if he could charm Heather, what sort of a challenge would it be to court Noah?

As it turned out, a big one.

Alejandro started by making small gestures towards Noah, like offering to carry his books or buying him a cup of coffee.

He tried to charm Noah with his looks and smooth words, but Noah remained indifferent. He was not like the girls who swooned over Alejandro's charms.

The Indian-Canadian boy saw right through Alejandro's facade and was not easily swayed. He lived with nine unpredictable siblings; he had grown used to having his guard up.

But Alejandro was persistent. He continued to shower Noah with compliments and tried to impress him with his knowledge and skills.

He even started attending the same activities as Noah, hoping to get closer to him. But Noah always kept his distance, making it clear that he was not interested in Alejandro's advances.

This only piqued Alejandro's interest even more. He admired Noah's sharp wit and reserved spirit, and he couldn't help but feel a certain pull towards him.

As time went by, Alejandro's attempts to win over Noah turned into a full-blown infatuation. He found himself thinking about Noah more and more, day and night. With each failed attempt, his feelings for the sarcastic boy grew stronger.

But despite all his efforts, Noah remained unfazed. He saw right through Alejandro's devious games and was not afraid to call him out on them.

Nova was an interesting obstacle. She was wild, cheerful and somehow she had managed to turn Noah into a much more active person who socialised more than he had in Total Drama.

Alejandro knew at one point Noah would have to acknowledge him, so he had tried to flirt with Nova instead to attempt and make him jealous.

That plan was quickly shut down when he realised the girl was a lesbian.

Nevertheless, he had continued smooth-talking the Indian boy, charming him gradually and actually managing to hold a conversation with him.

As time went by, Alejandro's persistence and daring personality began to intrigue Noah. He found himself drawn to Alejandro's charisma and charm, and before he knew it, he was gradually trusting him a little more.

But a little more was not enough.

When he thought he had Noah in the palm of his hand, everything turned upside down. Noah shocked him when he announced that he had chosen to date Cody instead.

Alejandro couldn't believe it - all his hard work, his feelings, it was all for naught. Heartbroken and confused, Alejandro couldn't understand why Noah would choose someone like Cody over him.

Cody was but a mere nuisance; he was annoying, geeky, and he looked nowhere as handsome as Alejandro did. So why had the brunette been chosen instead of him?

Alejandro had once asked his twin sister why Noah had chosen Cody in secret because he hadn't been able to really accept that fact.

Nova simply smiled and replied, "You may be able to charm anyone else, Alejandro, but you'll never be able to manipulate my brother's heart like you did with others. Cody is the only one for him."

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