Shiterra strikes again

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Trent: well that is a very unpleasant experience

Gwen: you just went to take your wallet back wdym

Harold: shiterra showed up when Cody was with the twins and tried to climb into their room via the balcony

Heather: WHAT.

Harold: the moment Cody and Noah heard her they bolted for the attic and they're still locked in there

Alejandro: do you need our assistance amigo?

Harold: no

Nova: Nathan has his shotgun loaded Harold get away

Harold: oop okay



Harold: I've spent too long with the Sterecras I suppose

Noah: I heard a bang what happened

Heather: WHAT


Nova: ...the bullet was two inches away from her head.

Harold: what the hell

Gwen: I'm calling the police

Noah: please do
Noah switched off his phone and held Cody closer to him as Sierra's screaming for Cody got louder and louder, while his older brothers yelled back.

The brunette hugged him tighter, sobbing into his chest as the Tamilian stroked his back, hushing him gently as he cried as a way to try comforting him.

What Harold had said was true; the two had grabbed each other's hands and took off running to the attic very second Sierra had yelled out, "CODYKINS!"

The moment her voice ripped through the air, all his older brothers had grabbed whatever weapons were near them while his sisters collectively hauled Harold, Justin and Trent someplace safe.

Now they were both hiding behind a bunch of old dusty boxes and old albums and photos, with Noah holding the other tightly as he began to break down.

"I.. I don't g-get it," he choked out. "Why- why doesn't she k-understand that I d-don't like her?" Noah sighed and gingerly held the other closer, mumbling endearments in his ear.

Cody only cried harder. "I hate her.. I hate her! I don't like her at all, Noah, I like you." Noah froze almost immediately once he heard that.

"Cody, what..?" The brunette pulled away and looked at him with tearful teal eyes. "I liked you! I always did; you're one of the only people who cared for me and defended me from Sierra."

Cody sniffled. "I don't know why I'm saying this to you now; you probably think I'm a big loser but I- I just needed you to know," he whispered meekly.

"Coco, you have no idea.." Noah murmured, gently hugging the other boy tighter. "You have no idea how much I dreamed of hearing you say that."

Cody blinked at Noah, almost not believing what he was hearing. "I liked you too, Cody. I have for a while. I just never admitted it out loud because.. I was afraid people would make fun of my feelings."

The tanned boy pulled Cody closer and gently brushed his lips against his head. "Please trust me with your heart, and I'll trust you with mine," he whispered.

Cody gulped, before cuddling up to the tanned boy. "I love you, and I trust you."

"And I do too."

After the cops had been called and Sierra was ushered away kicking and screaming, Nelson had rushed to the attic to find his little brother and Cody, only to discover the two boys nestled by a bunch of boxes in each other's arms.

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