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Trent: what the

Gwen: what's going on??

Harold: Justin tried using his looks to impress Noah's older sisters earlier and none of them were even a tad bit remotely interested

Noah: I told you only one of them is straight

Trent: and even she didn't give a shit about Justin

Nova: 'how impressive can you be when you could fit the entire continent of Europe on your chin?'

Heather: I CAN'T WHAT


Harold: honestly though Noah's older brothers are more attractive than Justin

Harold: and his oldest brother is more well-built than Alejandro

Noah: he's an ex-convict and a boxing instructor what do u expect

Courtney: ex-convict?! Isn't he dangerous?

Cody: not to us or his siblings

Heather: what was your brother even convicted for?

Nova: he set four people's house on fire and skinned some rando alive when he broke into our house to kidnap Naomi

Trent: WHAT

Nova: chill, the four people were people with histories of performing and making indecent actions and comments to random people and two of them were registered s€x offenders

Noah: pretty sure one of them had CP as well from what Neil said last time

Heather: and what about the guy he skinned?

Noah: he tried to kidnap Naomi and he stabbed our brother Nelson when he tried to get our sister so Neil went after him with a machete

Gwen: holy shit

Heather: the way you say this like it's normal scares the shit out of me

Justin: excuse me, can we return the attention back to me?? wdym I'm not hot anymore Cody??

Cody: you ain't as buff as Neil and you ain't as attractive as Nathan homie

Justin: Nathan isn't a model like me, I bet he doesn't have fangirls anyway!

Harold: if he wasn't already gay the fangirls would swarm him a little more

Nova: with an ex-convict brother, seven siblings who know how to use weaponry and a license to use a shotgun it's a little obvious why most fans won't try their luck with him

Justin: I- ugh-

Trent: ignoring that for a moment, what are your siblings' sexualities tho?

Noah: Nova's lesbian, Nelson and I are bi, Nina's pansexual, Nathan's 100% gay, Naomi and Neil are aro-ace and Nadia's straight

Heather: you only have one straight sibling??

Nova: sadly

Gwen: I'd be surprised if any of them are single tbh, they all seem really nice

Nova: wow such a shocker then because Nelson's the only one who has a partner

Noah: should be because he's the most sane out of all of us albeit the most quiet one

Alejandro: wait who's he dating?

Noah: your oldest brother Carlos

Alejandro: WHAT

Noah: have to say it's refreshing to know there's at least one Burromuerto who isn't a snobby eel

Alejandro: okay-

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