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3 weeks later
Nova: boom boom

Izzy: NOVA



Eva: you good??


Heather: how's the entire family?

Gwen: what happened to shiterra?

Nova: Noah's slowly recovering but he's gotten ten times more fearful than usual so for god's sake don't do anything stupid and scare him

Nova: everyone else is okay, Nathan got into jail for a bit but mom and dad bailed him out, we negotiated (argued) with the cops and thankfully he was let go cos he's a first time offender

Nova: as for shiterra Neil told me after the cops took Nathan in he managed to sneak her out before the ambulance arrived and dragged her off somewhere

Heather: how the fuck did he manage that

Nova: beats me, I don't engage in illegal activities

Nova: either way he dragged her out somewhere and he only came back at around 6pm the day after all that shit happened covered in dirt, leaves and I'm assuming blood

Gwen: Jesus

Trent: did he say what he did to her body?

Nova: no, he wouldn't tell anyone where he dumped her or what he did and we didn't see him take any weapons with him

Trent: does that mean she could technically still be alive?

Nova: yeah but most likely not because I'm guessing Neil either finished her off, buried her alive or just snapped all her limbs and left her wherever he went off to

Courtney: what you're doing is obstructing the law of justice! you can't just do that!

Nova: fuck off Satella, you're not the one who almost got murdered in the middle of the night in their own house by a crazy stalker

Courtney: it still doesn't justify killing someone before the law can step in! what you're doing is illegal and unacceptable!

Nova: like I said, fuck off Satella.

Nova: my twin almost got murdered and our older brother shot her in defense. this girl has been stalking and harassing both Noah and Cody on a daily basis for the past I don't know how long and making them feel unsafe.

Nova: Noah almost got murdered and Cody was stalked and had multiple belongings stolen over these times, and you're saying that it was wrong for our older brother to get the very person who committed these crimes far away from us before she could possibly harm them again?

Nova: fucking grow up, Satella. I don't care if what we did obstructed justice or the law, but I don't need to see two boys' lives crumble slowly as they live in paranoia or the possibility of something bad happening.

Courtney: I- uh-

Heather: DAMN.

Justin: hate to admit it but Nova ate

Duncan: second it

Cody: thanks Nova

Nova: no biggie Codes

(Sorry for the short chapter but I'm very tired as of now so I have no idea what to write)

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