womp womp

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Alejandro: I'm still trying to process the fact that Noah's brother is dating mine

Noah: cry about it

Alejandro: no

Heather: please for god's sake don't tell me it's José-

Nova: nope, and if it helps all our siblings collectively decided to call José a rat, including the toddlers

Heather: thank god

Heather: I was starting to wonder if your siblings had any standards

Noah: trust me if any of them dated José Neil would've ripped them a new one

Nova: every sibling must approve of each other's significant other

Gwen: surprising to see you have such a close bond with all of your siblings

Noah: duh

Noah: oh shiiiiiii

Noah: Eelejandro why are both your brothers at my house

Alejandro: what?

Nova: ew why's the rat here

Alejandro: Carlos said something about surprising his date and I have no clue why Jose went along with him

Alejandro: probably to see who's the guy Carlos got with and flex he could've done better if I know him

Noah: well shit Neil's giving him the evil eye

Alejandro: if he tries to skin José alive I wouldn't mind, spare Carlos though, I am quite fond of him

Noah: we know, Nelson is fond of him too
The twins glared at the arrogant middle Burromuerto son from their spot on the dual hammock on the patio through the sliding glass door.

Even though their obviously annoyed ex-convict turned boxer older brother was staring icily at him, the blue-clad boy was still walking around the place, making snide remarks about just about everything.

"I can see why Alejandro hates him so much," grumbled Nova from her hammock beneath her twin's. Noah mumbled something back sulkily before covering his face with his book.

"Sorry about José," Carlos murmured from his spot on the large beanbag couch where Nelson was cuddled with him. "Alejandro and I are pretty sure he came out with a thorn up his ass."

"Pretty sure he came out with a whole cactus up his ass," grumbled Noah. Carlos chuckled awkwardly, eyes softening as Nelson nestled his face deeper into the crook of his neck.

Nelson and Carlos had met about a year ago at an animal rescue sanctuary when Carlos wanted to volunteer to help the animals, and he had fallen rather quickly for Nelson after their first meeting.

It was difficult to break Nelson's walls however, considering that the fourth Sterecra sibling had developed selective mutism and was rather shy by nature.

Nevertheless, Carlos had persisted despite the threats from Nelson's older siblings and his parents' disapproval of chasing someone of the 'lower class', and his efforts finally paid off in the end.

Carlos playfully strung his partner's soft hair between his fingers and hummed, earning a small grunt from his partner and short snickering bursts from the twins who were watching him.

It was peaceful. At least until José came out to the patio to say his thoughts on his older brother's boyfriend and the twin who had called his younger brother an eel on live television.

"So that's the guy you hooked up with?" Remarked the blue-clad boy as he stared at Nelson in disbelief. Carlos gave him the evil eye as Nelson blinked, unsure of what to do.

"Yes. Got a problem?" Snarled Carlos with as much venom in his voice as possible. José merely sneered at him. "No, just didn't expect you'd stoop that low to date someone who works with filthy animals."

Carlos snarled in an aggravated tone, but Nelson quickly held on to his arm and shook his head mutely, so the eldest Burromuerto brother fell back, still glaring daggers at his younger brother.

Undaunted, José sauntered over to where the twins were nested much to their displeasure, and stared down at the two of them scornfully though both ultimately ignored him.

He approached the twins, determined to get a negative reaction from them. He insulted their clothes, their looks, and their intelligence, expecting them to react angrily or with hurt.

Much to his surprise though, the Sterecra twins remained completely unfazed, refusing to lower themselves to his level.

This infuriated José to a huge degree. How dare they not react to his insults?

He decided to step up his game and started to insult their intelligence, calling them dumb and making sarcastic remarks about their academic achievements and make them lose their temper.

This infuriated the middle Burromuerto son even more, as he was used to getting a rise out of people like Alejandro with his obnoxious behaviour.

He tried everything he could think of to provoke a negative reaction from them, from making even sharper remarks to physically pushing them.

But no matter what he did, both twins stayed composed and completely ignored him.

Frustrated and embarrassed, José's ego could not handle being ignored. He became obsessed with getting a reaction out of the twins, believing that it would somehow validate his superiority.

Watching his elder brother and his boyfriend staring at him skeptically caused his behavior towards the twins grew more and more aggressive after he heard Nelson mutter to Carlos, "He kisses your mother with that mouth?"

He began to insult Noah for wearing skirts and his loss in Total Drama, trying to find ways to make at least one of them react. But the twins continued to ignore him, causing him to spiral into a fit of rage.

That was when José decided to take his antics to the next level.

He purposely yanked at the hammocks, causing the twins to fall onto the wood-paved patio. Carlos stood up, ready to yell, but Nelson quickly pulled him down and shook his head, mouthing, "Watch."

Instead of getting angry, Nova simply picked herself up and helped Noah to his feet. They didn't even bother looking at José, who was standing there with a smug grin on his face, waiting for their reaction.

But what happened next caught José Burromuerto completely off guard. Noah and Nova simply walked away to the dangling chairs near the shade without saying a word, ignoring him completely.

It was a blow to José's ego, and he couldn't believe that these twins were immune to his attempts to provoke them. He followed them, demanding a reaction, but they continued to ignore him.

Carlos gawked at the twins in surprise before turning to his boyfriend who smiled. "They have always been taught to rise above negativity and not let it affect them," he whispered.

A small smile curled across his lips as he continued watching José begin to throw a tantrum at not getting a single reaction out of the twins whatsoever.

Carlos laughed and snuggled his partner close. The Sterecra household was wild, fun, and overall entertaining at every hour of the day.

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