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Strictly in my AU, enjoy!
- Heather and Cody have a really close sibling bond and Heather is deathly protective over Cody.

- Cody is a very closeted bisexual because Sierra forced him deeper inside it due to her obsessive behaviour and the way she said he belonged to her.

- Cody's parents aren't homophobic or neglectful, they do care for him and are confused how their son pulled someone who was literally his polar opposite.

- Noah's father is transgender. His name used to be Nora before he transitioned and changed it to Nicholas.

- Alejandro and Heather aren't really a thing anymore since they realised the competition was what strictly forced them together and now that it's over there's really nothing to do and the passion is fading.

- Harold has the foulest mouth out of the Drama Brothers; Trent, Cody and Justin were both horrified at how much he could curse when he stubbed his toe.

- Noah does cross-dressing.

- Neil is a former arsonist but he's gotten a decent job as a boxing instructor, Nadia is a part-time nurse, Nathan is a model and a makeup artist, Nelson is a falconer and works with animal rescue, Nina works as a bartender at a beachside bar, Naomi is a fashion designer, and Nova plays soccer in her high school's top team.

- Noah and Nova are the only ones in their family who speak Gaelic fluently so none of their siblings can snitch on their conversations to anyone.

- Noah's maiden name is Dasari.

- Nathan and Neil have a habit of tossing the twins into the air and catching them. Nova loves it, Noah prays he won't get a concussion.

- Noah and Nova have asthma.

- The more active Sterecra siblings have little to no self preservation at all and constantly get themselves into deadly situations on purpose for fun.

- Noah has a dog named Nara, Nathan has a Thailand Black tarantula named Spindle, Nelson has a Burrowing Owl named Mini, and Nova has a Norwegian Forest Cat named Kelson.

- Cody is beyond terrified of rats.

- Noah's the least athletic out of his entire family so his older siblings all have a habit of carrying him around when he's tired, and have different styles for doing so. Nelson and Neil carry him normally on their shoulders, Naomi carries him like a baby, Nadia carries him bridal style and both Nathan and Nina just hold him by his ankle.

- Harold and Naomi see each other like brother and sister. Harold's own siblings, his little sister Layla and older brother Dennis, aren't close with him and think he's weird, but Naomi enjoys his company a lot and treats him like her real brother.

- Harold lets Naomi paint his face and dress him up.

- Nova is the second strongest out of her siblings next to Neil and can pick up both Noah and Cody with one arm.

- Harold can speak 20 different languages.

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