Party (1)

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Tyler's POV
Tyler stood outside his house, standing on the driveway as he waited for his friend to pull up the fetch him. He was the last passenger they had to fetch for the party.

As he heard a honk coming from the distance, he spotted a dark blue van with gold and white streaks pulling up, and the front window pulled down, revealing who he assumed was one of Noah's older brothers.

The boy had darker skin and a sharper face than Noah, with shorter hair neatly pulled into a ponytail and a Cheshire Cat smile. He wore a violet short sleeved jacket and a blue shirt.

"Tyler Kenard?" He asked with a warm smile. "Yes, that's me, bro!" He smiled back awkwardly. Suddenly the back window opened and he was greeted with the sight of Noah.

"Get in, jock," he called out, voice amused and a hint of a smile on his face. The door finally opened up and Tyler then hopped into the van.

The interior of the van was white with ivory coloured seats streaked with blue. The middle rows had two pairs of seats with their backs facing each other, with four seats at the very back.

By the door were two separate seats, the second row's single seat being where Noah was settled and the second row's seat was where Harold was nestled.

Izzy, Eva, Owen and Cody were all in the four seats at the back and Justin and Trent occupied the seats facing them. And as he plopped down into the seat beside Noah, he got to see Nova for the first time.

The girl was a near carbon copy of her brother, with longer hair tied into two ponytails and a sharper face. Her build was alarmingly similar to Noah's, and her gleaming eyes sparkled with liveliness.

The boy in the front passenger seat, another tall boy in denim suspenders and a white shirt glanced behind and gave him a warm smile.

"We ready?" Hollered the driver. "YEAH!" Most of the van hollered back, and with that they set off to the Sterecra household.

Along the way there, Nova and Tyler got to know one another a little more.

"So you're Tyler?" She asked. "Yes! Wow, I never knew Noah had a twin sister," he gaped, taking in her presence with awe. Nova barked a laugh. "People always look shocked when they find out we're twins," she chuckled.

"Who wouldn't?" Harold laughed from his seat behind Noah. "You two are literal polar opposites."

The driver, who Tyler later learned was Noah's second oldest brother Nathan, chuckled and added, "When you both grew older we started doubting if you really even were twins at all because you two were so wildly different."

Noah rolled his eyes and cracked a small smile which did not go unnoticed by Cody, and that made his heart melt a little. Tyler glanced back and noticed, before smiling to himself.

"They'd be cute together; pity they're in so much denial."
When they arrived
Harold's POV
As he walked into the familiar household, a small smile made its way up his lips as he caught the eye of the second oldest Sterecra sister Naomi.

He had been good friends for a while and she had helped him with his clothing and fashion sense for quite a while, and he'd also been taught by her to face paint.

She grinned and sidled up to him with a warm smile. She was clad in a leopard-print sleeveless top and a pair of white shorts.

"Hi," she greeted cheerily. "Hey Naomi," the ginger teen greeted back as the dark-skinned girl led him to the living room where majority of the cast gathered.

Geoff and Bridgette were making out on one end of the sofa while the oldest Sterecra brother, Neil, looked absolutely repulsed by that as he quickly edged away while Heather and Courtney seemed to be locked in an argument.

Nina and Izzy were arm wrestling under Eva's watch, Alejandro and Justin were bickering in a corner while Trent and Nadia watched uninterested, Katie, Sadie and DJ were huddled together chattering and everyone else were all laughing and chatting around the living room.

When the rest of the cast walked in, Nathan clapped his hands loudly and shouted, "Alright everyone, ground rules before we get this shindig started!"

"No going into rooms, no having sex anywhere, no doing idiotic shit that gets you injured and don't drink too much alcohol because we are not explaining to our parents why their vodka is out!"

Nathan deliberately glanced at Bridgette and Geoff and yelled, "The no sex rule applies to you two specifically!" which caused both of them to go red.

"Aside from that, let's get this party started!" He yelled, and with that the party was in full swing.

(Btw the younger Sterecra siblings and their parents are at their aunt's house)

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