Neil's Secret

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TW: Blood, slight gore and violence, and burying alive.
"Shut up," hissed the older boy as he gripped the wrist of the gasping girl and hurriedly hauled her out the back door just as the police and ambulance sirens began to rapidly approach the house

Swiftly throwing the body of Sierra over his shoulder with no particular care nor concern for the condition of her body whatsoever, the eldest Sterecra brother quickly exited the house via the back kitchen door.

He only had one goal in mind.

Get this deranged bitch far away from his family, and far, far away from Cody.

Coldly, he walked towards the small shack where his family kept gardening materials near the pool and opened the door, before reaching inside and taking out a large black plastic sheet.

"Can't risk having your blood all over my damn van," he thought icily. He managed to unlock the back gate and slipped out to the garage where his van was parked.

As he was headed there, he caught his younger sister Nova's eye through the window. Wordlessly, he gestured for her to be quiet, and she nodded.

Silently, he slid into the garage and unlocked the door to the van, where he laid the plastic sheet over the back seats before tossing Sierra's body onto it.

Before he closed the door, he pulled out a piece of duct tape and taped her mouth closed, not making eye contact as she struggled slightly, eyes wide with terror.

Soundlessly, he then reached over and wrenched her leg until it was completely broken, ignoring the strained and muffled scream as he did so.

Neil slammed the door shut and quietly removed the license plates from the van before tucking them steadily away into a nearby shelf. With that, he slid into the driver's seat.

Sliding his fingers across the dashboard, he pressed down onto one of the buttons that activated some of the new features Noah had installed to the van.

The windows all began to darken until they were almost fully black, even the front windscreen did the same. Neil silently thanked the fact he could see perfectly well in the dark in cases like this.

With all that done, he began to wait for the police and ambulance to leave. It would do him no good to rush immediately into action even if he wanted to; he'd still get caught in the end.

So, he'd wait.

After all, like all the apex killers, Neil was a very patient person.
It had taken a while but Neil's patience had paid off in the end. They had taken Nathan in for questioning, but he had confidence that his younger brother would be out eventually.

As he cruised down the road, he gazed at the girl behind him with a malicious glint in his eye. "Such a filthy fucking bitch," he muttered under his breath.

The van had been parked at a nearby campsite in the forest, and as Neil threw on a pair of gloves, he knew what he was going to do to her.

Killing Sierra would be a mercy. He wanted her to suffer for all the pain and suffering she'd caused.

He tossed the whimpering, somehow still alive girl onto his shoulders, he began to trudge off-road and into the darker, more secluded area of the woods.

The air hung heavy with the scent of pine needles and damp earth, a stark contrast to the metallic tang of blood that filled Neil's lungs.

He gripped the shovel in his other hand tighter, the wood rough against his calloused palms. On his shoulder, Sierra lay bound and gagged, her eyes wide with terror, a stark contrast to the manic gleam they'd held when she'd been stalking Cody.

Neil hated the way she called Cody her 'puppy', the possessive way she spoke of him. Cody, his brother's sweet boyfriend, the one who'd been so cheerful, was now a shadow of himself, haunted by her constant presence.

He'd tried everything to stop her: calling the police, getting restraining orders, even trying to reason with her. Nothing ever worked.

Sierra was like a dog with a bone, fixated on Cody and Cody only.

Neil had enough.

As he reached a secluded spot, his eyes glinted when he saw the rotting carcass of a mauled deer lying nearby. Perfect.

Roughly dropping Sierra onto the ground, he began to dig through the dirt, making a deep hole. The process took about an hour before he was satisfied, with Sierra in too much pain to move from where he dropped her.

Her eyes went wider than saucers when he gripped her arm and dragged her toward the hole. "No... no! CODYKINS, SAVE ME, PLEASE!" She wailed.

Neil stomped on her arm, effectively shattering her bones and Sierra let out a deafening screech as the former criminal kicked her into the pit and began to cover her back up.

"You can't do this- I need my Codykins! We're meant to be!" She shrieked. Neil merely gazed at her, eyes a mix of humour, anger and annoyance,

"No one is coming to save you," he crooned. "And Codykins will be glad to never see you again."

Sierra's cries and wails grew more and more muffled as he covered her body up with more dirt, and once the grave was covered, he hauled the dead animal onto the grave.

If any K-9 units were to arrive, all they'd see was the dead body and they would most likely assume that's all there was.

He smiled, a silent, predatory smile. He didn't care if he somehow got caught. It was worth it to make sure the girl who harmed his brother and his boyfriend would never get to them again.

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