Unfolding the Truth

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Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was sitting on his chair in the headmaster's office with his head buried under his hands. He had not been in this position since he had defeated his Gellert decades ago. And that too he had recovered himself pretty soon. He was by now used to being an omniscient and powerful figure among the world — similar to Gandalf from the muggle books.

But today his world came crashing down upon himself. The Cloak of Invisibility lay calm on his desk. If not for his old man's foolhardy curiosity! He distanced himself from the thing as if seeing filth completely imbibed. Not in the Cloak — it was the purest form of magic there is — but in himself.

The hope really came when the tracking charm on Harry was still operating. He couldn't be more glad. But still the grief of the cost of his own actions was too overwhelming — and that was saying something to the normally emotionless headmaster.

James and Lily had refused any tracking charms upon themselves whatsoever. And that was worrying him more. His sources had reported a catastrophic explosion — which diminished even the most optimistic hopes in his mind.

He immediately apparated to the edge of the wards when he encountered five magical signatures through the now fortress-level wards of Hogwarts. The sight will remain a memory of the grace of Magic upon him forever.

"Ah, James! Lily! You can't fathom how it soothes an old man's nerves seeing you in near-perfect health", he said sincerely.

"Headmaster —", Sirius Black started saying in an infuriating tone. Sirius was waiting to just rant about Peter Pettigrew's betrayal; however, the Headmaster thought completely otherwise.

"I beg you for forgiving this one time an old man's foolhardiness, James", he said shutting down each of their mouths. "I know I am not worth of your forgiveness but still please forgive me from withholding your one great chance of survival against him. I vow I'll try my best to at least partly compensate for my actions"

"And exactly how will you do so?", James spoke after a moment of silence. 

Albus had to admit he was at least caught slightly off-guard — another occurence that didn't happen everyday — but he thought over a few moments before it hit him —

"I, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, swear on my life and my magic that I will mentor and provide guidance to the best of my magical and mental abilities to Harry James Potter in regards to the practice of Magic for causes in the path of benefit to the magical world till such time I'm impaired or unable to do so. So I have sworn, so more it be", he said, putting down the Elder Wand back into his robes.

To say it was absolutely shocking for everyone of them would be the understatement of the millenium. Here was Albus Dumbledore, said to be the greatest wizard of the century, who just had offered to pass down all his knowledge about magic to Harry, if Harry asks for it.

"Umm. . .  Albus? You ok?", James said totally uncertain as to what to say.

"Why, Lord Potter, I haven't felt better", Albus said. It wasn't everything just for his regrets for his greed to the Hallows and its consequences, but the aura around Harry told him that he was worth the cause. He had thought of it for a long time till now. The amount of knowledge he had gained about the basic nature of Magic over his long life was too much to not share with the Wizarding World. And that was the reason Albus had taken to teaching in the first place. But there were many more lessons he did not reveal, just because the students weren't worth the sheer knowledge about them. Tom Riddle was close, but the foul feel of his actions pushed him away — and sometimes he felt glad for that.

"You do realise the meaning of the oath you just took, right?", Sirius asked him.

"Yes, gentlemen. Now, enough of my oaths, tell me what exactly happened at Godric's Hollow?", he said before adding, "If you won't mind, the Headmaster's office seems much comfortable that the midnight Autumn cold"

After hearing about the incident — James' heroics, Peter's betrayal (Even Albus believed it wise that Sirius didn't go — 'You would have done things you won't regret now, but curse yourself for much later') and a couple of sweets and firewhiskey with the whole Hogwarts staff, the tense mood severely lessened down into a joyous celebration.

The whole Wizarding World was celebrating it outside. The fall of the Dark Lord finally marked the end of the darkness. But it wasn't joyous news for everyone — Death Eaters were being captured in every alley, who were mourning more for their own fate than that of the Dark Lord's.

If one thing was certain — It was that the Wizarding World had a bright future ahead.

A/N: Please comment on my writings and how can I improve myself here and there. Your reactions are for what I'm posting this here instead of just keeping this imagination in my mind. I thus have most of the plot in my head, but my posting will depend upon my schedule. Enjoy!

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