Meeting Mr. Death

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Albus was in his office, strolling across the room at a hard-to-get day off. With his duties as Chief Warlock, Supreme Mugwump and Headmaster, getting days off was a rarity. But he used his rarities to the fullest extent. He was busy planning his path ahead, with his head buzzing with ideas on what to teach Harry and when exactly should he start.

His core was not an issue at all. Harry's core, on the rate it was going, would cross Dumbledore's current Myriad value before he gives his NEWTs in seventh year — if he has to give them at that ime in the first place.

It all was because of his oath — the oath to himself which caused him all this trouble. But what could he do, he had to given the circumstances.

When he was doing his trip around the world, he had gotten the privilege to meet the Ancient One — that encounter he'd rarely forget.

"So, Dum-bel-dore", she called in a shockingly funny expression, "You have come to visit our sanctuary. And what I have seen already, you are not capable already. You have shown ambition and desire — the two things that start off small but may as well grow into desperation, which kills off your goodness", she said in a calm yet mystic tone wich he would ;ick up later when he would join as the teacher.

"But I showed ambition to unite the two worlds together — to help the Muggles —"

"Call them common people, but not 'Muggles', please. We are the rarity now, and we have to accept it"

"Ok, common folk, with things like our healing, travel convenience and making the world a much easier place"

"First of all, I was not talking about what you wrote in your love letters to Grindelwald. But anyways, you should know that most, and I mean around 70% people have dormant magic inside of them — one such dormant sorcerer will go on to lead the New York Sanctum in the next century"

"And secondly, I was talking about the Hallows of Death, Dum-bel-dore", she again pronounced it individually.

"How —"

"How's not the question, Albus — now that's much easier, but why? If you won't have shown pursuit of the Hallows at such a young age, we would have accepted you as a sorcerer and you would have done the world so much good", she said, her eyes locking onto his like a mother correcting a child.

"I promise I'll try to control myself from now on. But please accept me — I've seen what you people do is a million times better than what we do there — and that too, without wands", Albus pleaded.

"Wands are a useless crutch for your magic. The longer you use one, the longer you depend on one. I just might accept your offer, but I need something else"

"What would you need from me?", young Albus asked curiously.

"First of all, what you already have learnt is never taught here, and what you will learn is never taught there. And I have seen that you are going to be a teacher at your English magic schools a few years from now, and under your care a child will pass — one child, that is, who will need to amend the timeline for the great Forces of the Universe themselves. Now don't ask me why, but I want you to swear that you will pass on all magical education you have gathered from everyone in the world onto that one child"

Albus thought for a few moments to wrap his head around this idea. Then he agreed and made the oath, the oath that took him here today. Seeing what he learnt over there, it was totally worth it. Although now he was stuck at educating Harry — who also just happens to roam around the Master of Death.

'Wait a second. If I don't complete my oath, I'll die. But if I already die without completing my oath —'

But his thoughts were soon interrupted by the same dementor chill he had on a particularly special Halloween ten years ago.

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