The Boy Who Lived

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The Potters could proudly say that they were the definition of abnormal, thank you very much.  They were the first people you'd expect to be involved in pranks, stupid jokes, turning your hair purple and other stuff; because they just couldn't live without such humour in their life.

They weren't in the least bit normal — and in the magical world, it was saying something. The little son, Harry James Potter, although just 7 years old, had such control over his magic as a 1st year at Hogwarts. He could summon his books to read them, could jump over to his father's head if he refused to pick him up, could open locked doors (which once led to a really embarassing encounter he'd rather avoid) and did all this without a wand.

"Dad, when will we go on the broom ride again?", he asked his father on a boring Sunday.

"Again?! James Charlus Potter, you owe me an explanation!", Lily shrieked when she heard about it.

"He's just kidding. We never went anywhere like that", James replied a bit shakily.

"Dad is lying. We went this up", he stretched his hand for emphasis, "and zoomed across to Neville's house"

"JAMES!", she shouted when he ran up to his room. There was no-one in the whole world who could stop He-Who-Conquered, except his own wife.

Although James Potter could just survive on his father Fleamont's fortune from Sleakeazy, he chose to actually work as a professional MLE officer, saying that he had enough fight for a lifetime to become an Auror. He was promoted higher up the ladder because of his actual virtues, unlike the thoughts of many that he became the head just for his reputation.

Lily however sitting at home, taking care of Harry, was at first bored out of her wits. Bus soon after Remus' suggestion on doing research, she started diligently working on crafting and designing spells, and so the library was always flooded with papers of horrendously long calculations in the regard. Although Harry couldn't still understand what was she doing, he used to love sitting there and watching her work.

Harry had asked on multiple occassions to his mother about starting to teach him magic, and when she had equally stubbornly refused to do so, saying he wasn't ready enough, Harry had taken it upon himself to do such things just to show how much he wanted to.

And today Professor Dumbledore was coming to visit them. He used to come every once in a while, and Harry loved to talk with him as much as he could. It was because Professor understood why he wanted to learn and used to teach him something cool everytime he came.

And today was no different. He came in this time with a really big gift for him. It was a trilogy of books on wandless magic, with meanings of words too difficult for him written along the pages. 

"Why, Professor, even you started to say I can't get a wand?", he said casually but a bit hurt.

"No, Harry, I'm not saying that. But what do you feel better —", he said and took a battered old crumpled page on the floor and said, "Vera Verto", and then started a fire with, "Incendio"

"Or this. . .", and conjured a fireball floating on his hand.

"Wow! Please will you teach me to do this?", he asked him with his best pleading eyes.

"Not now, Harry. It is dangerous to learn now", but he was cut off when Harry's face lit up and he said, "I remember something I read. It's even better than this fireball!"

"Fiendfyre", and lit up a burning phoenix in the room as big as Hagrid but still not burning a single book on the shelves.

"Harry, stop!", Albus shouted and Harry immediately stopped. Hearing the blazes and raised voice, both the remaining Potters came upstairs to see what caused the commotion.

"Harry, WHERE DID YOU LEARN THAT SPELL?!", Dumbledore asked calmly.

"It was in a book which had fell down at Uncle Paddy's house when we were playing hide-n-seek", Harry answered, visibly afraid.

"Harry, that spell is really dark. Dark meaning really wrong. You shouldn't cast it ever", James said in his 'Dad' voice.

"But it's fire! And fire makes me feel warm and good", Harry retorted.

"And fire can burn you and hurt you too. You should be extremely careful with it", Lily said.

"But I was! There is not even little black on the shelves or books", he said when Dumbledore said, "The black you are saying is called soot", and Harry relaxed a little.

"Please go to your room and stay there while we talk to Professor Dumbledore, Harry", James said in a tone to cut all discussion. Harry huffed and stormed out of the room.

'Come on! It was just a simple fire spell!', he thought as he sat in his room, pouting.

Meanwhile. . . 

"Professor —", Lily started but couldn't find what exactly she wanted to ask.

"How?", James managed. A seven-year-old lighting up a Fiendfyre like a simple levitation spell! And that too without a wand!

"I guess we need to take a rating of his magic. That way we can see what we can do", Albus said, a bit dejected to do so.

"But that spell was banned ages ago", Lily retorted.

"That was because the bigots couldn't stand to see muggle-borns turning out more capable than themselves", James said through gritted teeth.

"So, do I have your permission to perform this spell on Harry? He'd be sleepy for the rest of the day but otherwise he'll be fine"

"Can't see why not", James shrugged and they walked to Harry's door.

"Come in", Harry said after the quiet knock. He knew by now that such a soft knock would mean 'Sorry for earlier'.

"We need to check you up, Harry", Lily said in as gentle a voice as humanly possible.

"Get on with it", Harry said, still angry at the raised voices from earlier.

Dumbledore started a long Latin incantation while moving his wand and other hand near Harry's chest. 'That region was called something like solar eclipse', he thought unnecessarily.

Harry suddenly started feeling extremely drowsy after the stupendously long incantation was done. He made it a point to ask Dumbledore later about how could he remember such long spells properly.

Dumbledore had a golden ball in his hands which he threw upon a conjured piece of parchment. The ball sinked into it and a bar with grading scales started wobbling up and down before Harry's eyes shut down in a deep slumber.

"This is certainly unmatched for a century", Albus said as they sat in the living room.

"What's the big deal? It's just a lot above average — nothing like mage level or something", Lily said.

"This is the rating of a seven year old, Lily", Albus said calmly, "The average for a seven year old is near 300. Come to think of it, most fully mature wizards never cross a thousand, and your son is already at 1242. That would put him in the range of High Sorcerer at this very age"

"What can we do?", Lily asked, but rephrased immediately, "What should we do?"

"I think to control his bursts of magic making him meditate and starting to teach him some magical skills like Potioneering would be a great start for now. Unless", he stopped and his mouth's corners went down a little, "you want his magic partially bound"

"No way!", James said immediately.

"Alright, then. I'll do it", she said.

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