Sight of a Sorcerer?

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The Eye of the Grand Sorcerer or the Seventh and Most Powerful Sense of the Forces was something only a handful of the world's most powerful mages ever had. They could sense and manipulate the Realm from its very core, cure ailments and curses with just a wave of their hand, and even kill anyone without even looking. 

No one understands the true nature of magic, as is quoted across history, yet these mages seemed to understand Magic through pure reason. The most prominent example of all time was Jasper the Traveller, who was renowned all throughout Eurasia for his brilliance and philanthropy. They called it the 'Sight of the Sorcerer'  and worshipped him as a Messiah, although upon his death he performed a spell which made every person on Earth forget about his existence, all but his one partner, who chose to write it down in his journal for the future to take a gander on.

Harry closed his book shut, and squinted his eyes. It was 7 already, and he'd missed his sleep again for reading on about some 'Sight of the Sorcerer' in his book on Magi Praefortis.

The day they'd decided to meet up with the Weasleys, the Potters and the Grangers in Diagon Alley had gone excruciatingly brilliant. Until of course, there was one sickeningly loathsome guy in Flourish and Blotts whom Hermione and Mrs. Weasley called as "charming".

"You don't seem to be a fan of the bloke, Harry?", Mr. Flourish asked him when he was seated well away from all the commotion and reading Mr. Gregorovitch's journal about the properties of a Thunderbird feather.

"I've read his work, yes, but all of it sounds too sickeningly not convincing you know. The timelines are all mucked up — for example he battles the vampires of Romania for a year in 1986 but also claims in another book that he fought the Banshee in the same November way away in South Africa. Ain't that strange? And that too the fact that a Banshee was also banished by an African wizard around the same time too in the same area mentioned", he ranted on.

"Aye, it is. Maybe if you gather enough evidence, you can convince people about it, you know. But he's a bestseller, and I was forced to keep my honour by inviting him for the signing. Hopefully you don't —"

"Don't worry, Mr. Flourish. After all you've been through for me, how can I change my loyalties for some fraud?"

Mr. Flourish left with a smile on his face leaving Harry alone on the bench at the corner. But then he saw Dobby pop up again strangely and going in the direction of the signing 'event'. Maybe sick Cissy wanted a sign too to keep herself sane? He chuckled at the thought and didn't pay it much heed.

But he certainly did pay heed when he saw Malfoy enter the store. He was looking quite fit, but his eyes betrayed his inner emotions. He was dreadful, and one glance his way led to an automatic Legimens attack by Harry involuntarily. He sensed that Malfoy was having nightmares, of him getting dragged up into a cell in Azkaban too, and of his dreadful visit with his mother and father, where he was haunted by the Dementors recklessly despite the heavy charms of the visitor's lobby.

But there was something different too. He was given proper training of good things as opposed to Dark Arts, such as —

"Aunt Andy, Potter's attacking my mind", he complained.

"Now, now, Draco. What did I tell you? Keep petty recklessness aside and move on. . .", Andromeda started.

"No! It's what you taught me! I felt the brushing, the quick go-through through my memories, glimpses of — of the visit!", he retorted. Harry neatly decided to stay shut, as it was indeed his fault though it was not purposely.

He had brought his stuff along to spend the next few days with his parents, and had conveniently shrunken Ron's trunk too. Hermione's he couldn't do because she was going Muggle for the remainder of the holidays.

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