Harry meets Blaze

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Harry was walking down the stairs when he stopped and turned back. Mr. Wyvern wasn't following him around. He kneeled on one knee and half-bowed while still facing Mr. Wyvern. Mr. Wyvern slowly came near him and caressed his head with Harry's chin.

"§ Master §", he heard the wyvern.

"§ How can I hear you, Mr. Wyvern? §", Harry asked, bewildered. 

"§ You speak of the old tongue, my friend. Every serpentine creature will understand you §", he answered slowly.

"§ What should I name you, Mr. Wyvern? §"

"§ Us serpentines could not care less about our names. Anything that suits you will be fine with me §"

"§ So you are blessed with both a demon and a God of fire? §"

He grunted in agreement while licking his cheek with his serpent tongue.

"§ And by Death himself for a fang of the coldest ice §", the wyvern slowly added.

"§ Really?! But how? Both will cancel each other right? §"

For this, he just mildly shook his head. Harry had heard they were more silent creatures, unlike their loud and ferocious cousins.

"§ I was earlier thinking about the name Blaze but —§", he was interrupted by the wyvern caressing his chin again.

"Okay then Blaze, let's meet my parents", and Blaze jumped to glide down the stairs effortlessly.

"So what you're saying is that it wasn't enough that he was attacked as a —", but when she saw Blaze. . .

"HARRY JAMES POTTER!! Come down this instant!", she shouted at the top of her lungs.

"I was coming down already, Mom. Mom, Dad, meet my new friend, Blaze", he said in a happy tone.

"This ain't a prank or anything, Pup? Cuz if it is, and in Merlin's name Dumbledore joined you to it. . . ", Uncle Paddy said, who probably had come for dinner.

"Well, this time, it feels more like a prank on me. But no, it ain't. And do you think I'll make something look as adorable as Blaze is just for a prank? Aren't you magnificent?", and he stroked Blaze's chin as he said so.

"Yeah Pup he is", Sirius said grinning from ear to ear, despite the face of utter disbelief evident on his face.

"Can I touch him, Harry?", Lily asked, a lot calmer now. 'Oh the anger of my Lily Potter née Evans — comes as fast as lightning but goes as fast too', James thought and chuckled to himself.

Harry said something to Blaze in that hissing sound again and he nodded.

"You have to kneel down on one knee and half-bow—"

"I very well have read Fantastic Beasts, Harry Potter", she huffed and kneeled. Harry encouraged Blaze who then caressed Lily's cheek with his head.

"He's so cute", she said when both the male Potters replied, "Then who are we? Next-door neighbours?", to which everyone shared a good laugh.

Slowly, Blaze became the centre of all the affection in the room. That was until Harry silently nudged him to light up Sirius's hair, and to supposedly extinguish it, everyone drenched Sirius in water which surprisingly smelled like dung.

"You just see, Potter. I'm gonna get you back on this"

"I will take care of your license, Harry. But only for now. Afterwards, you have to go to Romania for a summer to learn about dragons and wyverns to get your real license"

"Yes, sir. Can I bring Blaze to Hogwarts? Please?", and he pleaded with his signature perfect puppy eyes.

"Of course, Harry. I dare say you could convince Professor Snape with such pleading eyes", and then after a hearty talk and dinner, each one of them slowly parted.

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