Chasing Moldyshorts

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A/N: I thought if I'm posting less frequently, why not give y'all some more to enjoy? So here's a really long piece with which we'll finally finish first year — after which, the plot will start thickening and the story hopefully more interesting.

Disclaimer: Some parts of this fic have been taken directly from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's (Sorcerer's) Stone.

Two months had passed since the Duelling competition in March. And a lot had since changed from there on to our Mr. Master of Death Harry.

Firstly, this Harry was now sitting with a quad of friends with him in the library. 

Second, he'd somehow convinced the duffer prat of Ronald Weasley to actually sit and study in the library when he'd ask him for help — which was a cold-blooded argument from Harry's side.

And third, now he was actually starting to have fun with his newfound group and was enjoying his time in Hogwarts castle.

And today he was taking his friends for the first time with him to his weekly visit to Hagrid's hut. 

"Oh me goodness!, Harry! Finally ya bought yer friends along too! I've heard a lot about all of ya from Harry yeh know. C'mon in, I've just prepared a nice pot of tea for all of ya"

"So, Hagrid, how's it going these days with those unicorns now?"

"Nothin' good, Harry. Somethin' is killing them poor unicorns every week. Poor creatures"

"Well Hagrid, what's that big black egg doing behind you", Ron quipped in. There was indeed a big egg kept at the ground near the flames — possibly to provide heat.

"Wha' egg? I don' see any egg lyin' round here", Hagrid hastily covered the egg from view.

"Hagrid, we've spotted that thing already. At looking at it from here, it's actually hard to tell, you know. But why, Hagrid. . .", Harry said in a suspicious tone as he remembered his book on 'Majestic flying Serpentines', ". . .does it look like an egg of a Norwegian Ridgeback?"

Hagrid paled a bit while the others had strange looks on their faces.

"What's a Norwegian Ridgeback?", Ron asked.

"It's a really rare breed of dragons, native to Norway. Adult ones are typically huge — equivalent in size to a Hungarian Horntail — while their eggs are black and babies really small and skinny. They are said to devour large mammals — and have even many a times picked up young whale calfs out of the water"

"Bloody crazy! Hagrid, how'd ya get a hold of one? Charlie'll be ecstatic hearing this!"

"Of course, he'll. He's workin' at a dragon reserve in Romania, right?", Hagrid said, eager to change the subject.

"Well for now he can live with Blaze, but when he grows big, he'll probably vouch for killing him off", and just as expected, Blaze came dashing towards Harry from the window to the inside.

"Bloody hell!", was all Ron whispered while Harry was busy in a cuddling and wrestling game with his wyvern.

"§ Friend, why do I smell the scent of a dragon's egg in this hut? Is there any breeding dragon nearby? I should leave, then §"

"§ No, Blaze. There is just an egg here. Of a Norwegian Ridgeback §"

"§ Those are indeed vicious creatures, or so have I heard. But Friend, how would your this weyr's member live with one in a wooden house? He seems rather foolish to me §", at which Harry burst out laughing.

"What?", Hermione asked at Harry's antics.

"He's saying that Hagrid is rather foolish for keeping a dragon in a wooden house", at which all the four students started laughing too.

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