Duels and drenches

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The weeks passed by without much to say about. Although Harry's repertoire as an expert in Charms, Transfiguration, DADA and particularly Potions grew even further. But the unexpected consequences of being at the top was totally opposite of what he'd expected.

Firstly, everyone of the students started calling him an 'egghead' or a 'bookworm'. Nobody called him a 'know-it-all' however, as the students had reserved the taunt for Granger, second in class. 

Harry tried to avoid these petty comments but he was only human. At the time of sorting he'd promised to not be an egghead, but there were simply no smart enough people to hang out with. He tried talking to Hermione the other day in the library, but apparently she was upset from something or someone and just told him to leave.

He'd ended up convinced for a duel against Malfoy one meal. But when he called for midnight, Harry smirked and called out loud, "Why? If you're so confident to win, why don't we do it now?"

"Feeling the crowd would cheer for you, eh Pottah? Don't worry neither that would happen neither I'd go even a bit easy on you", Malfoy spat venom from each word.

"Okay, then. Sonorus. I hereby accept your challenge to a duel in five minutes in this very Hall", and Professor Flitwick feel off his seat while the other staff stood dumbstruck.

"I permit your duel", Dumbledore called out and swept towards the edges of the Hall, erecting dueling wards around inside.

To say it was a shock to everyone would be the understatement of the century. Everyone left their meals to hurry and watch the spectacle. Two first years being so serious on a duel was indeed a sight to see. The Gryffindor first years however, were shooting venom towards the other end of the Hall, and the humungous tables were wandlessly shifted aside by the Headmaster.

Both entered the wards, with the pale skin of Draco growing as pale as a dead man. He then too shrugged, huffed and scoffed, gaining the attention of his fellow Slytherins, who were giving him advice on how to beat his opponent.

The Gryffindors however, were just increasing the heat of the match by shouting stuff like "beat his arse off Harry" and "throw him off his face"

The Headmaster stood in between and called, "I, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, do hereby declare myself as the referree of the ensuing duel between the challenger, Mister Draco Malfoy and the acceptant, Mister Harry James Potter. The duel will end when either side is unable to continue, is disarmed, stunned or incapacitated. To stop the duel throw your wand down and raise your hands. No spells worth a damage rating of 80 Myriads or higher"

"Wands out", and both took their wands in front of them.

"Salute", and took their wands to their side and bowed, not taking their eyes off each other.

"En garde", then, "Prete", and finally. . .


Harry cast so quick that you'd miss it in a blink. A rather simple throwing curse, which Malfoy dodged by moving aside. Harry was purposely mouthing the spells, so as to not give away his full potential.

"Reducto", which Malfoy avoided with a countercurse. 'So he does read and learn'

"Lumos Maxima", Malfoy called with a blinding white light. Harry jumped to the side reflexively, avoiding the "Furnunculus" sent by Mafloy. 'He's much better than I'd expected'

"Let's end this then, shall we?", Harry said and called, "Expellia—"

"Silencio", Malfoy hissed with a huge grin on his face and cast a disarming spell of his own.

'He's so in the blind right now', he said and cast a powerful blasting curse right at him. Shocked, he ducked to avoid being thrown out.

The advantage was still Harry's as he was casting spells without his opponent knowing any better. Malfoy was now more of a minion than a duelist, moving here and there frantically. He attempted a rather darker curse this time, "Ignis infernum"

Harry couldn't even dodge the flames running towards him from all directions, binding him and his hands. Even 'aguamenti' didn't work in front of the flames tightening on him from all sides. 'Probably the work of the Malfoy's library', he thought and cast what he really thought best, breaking the silencing charm, "Spiritus Maris", the one he read in the book of the elemental mage he'd been gifted with last birthday.

A huge torment of waves subdued the raging fire like it was nothing. He directed the waves towards Malfoy, who was stinking with a wet spot, which however was quickly washed off by the waves that hit him like a tsunami.

Not wasting any time, Harry cast his signature spell, "Stupefy", and won to thunderous applause.

The Headmaster dried everything off and declared Harry as the winner. Malfoy was knocked unconscious, requiring a CPR spell from Madam Pomfrey and a ticket to the Hospital wing.

The Gryffindors were roaring, Hufflepuffs screaming and the Ravenclaws whooping at Harry's win. The Slytherins however, silently sulked and went away.

"The spell you performed was of 78 Myriads, Harry. You just got saved. I guess the tightening hold was the key to the limit", the Headmaster said when Harry asked about it.

However, now Malfoy and his gorillas would hopefully know better than to round up on him. Or otherwise, Harry thought to himself, the 'Fiendfyre' curse hopefully won't be too bad, he thought, before a certain Granger girl pulled him towards the Hospital wing.

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