Salazar Slytherin

61 2 0

12th Ianuarius, 994 AD

Most conversations in this chapter are in Old English, or Anglo-Saxon, which unfortunately if I go to write it'd be gibberish to anyone who isn't a historical linguist. So, of course, I chose to use # as tags for Anglo-Saxon, just like § is Parseltongue.

Another clarification, Salazar visits 'Rus' but it is actually what Kievan Rus called itself at that time.

He woke up from his sleep in the rich bedroom of the luxurious suite of a founder. Sitting on his bed and stepping outside of his enchanted veil around it, the veil immediately completed all of the mundane magical chores for him — he was clean, fresh and changed into what he thought he'd like to wear. He moved his hand to the drawer with the scissors and comb which danced around in their usual manner on his long beard.

'# But today is not at all usual #', he thought and ordered the scissors to cut his beard short like a general through his mind. He was looking much younger now, despite his actual age being 84, which was considerably old by wizarding standards (A/N: At that time) and too much by the muggle standards of dying at 50s.

Glancing one last time in the mirror, he moved out and strolled through the stone walls of this magnificent castle with his own pride and grandeur to match. Moving into the Great Hall, he saw the three founders chatting happily at their table up and the students too devouring the delicacies prepared by the house elves.

"# Look now, Godric, he's looking so charming now. Nerezza would surely appreciate your change in haircut, Salazar #", Rowena said to Godric, nudging his ribs.

"# Anyways, moving onto more important topics than simply an old man's beard, we certainly have to address the issue of the time bubble now #", Godric said, wiping his mouth.

"# Didn't we all accept that with our death the magic of the wards would collapse down? They simply just have to accept that they won't be able to stay here in a time-locked zone for ages and that their education would indeed take real years #", Salazar said.

"# I know, Salazar, but think about it. The muggles are constantly imbalanced, with the Saxons and Normans and Danes and what not, they're killing young sorcerers and this magical fortress with my wards, Helga's enchanting forest, Rowena's magical lockdown protocols for the pathways and your own Andrea is like the safest they can be, right?

But the thing that really draws the wizard community is that their children will be safe and also back with tremendous magical knowledge in as soon as a month #", his best friend countered.

"# There are certain things that we have to accept we can't do even with the grace of Magic #", but unbeknownst to them, a young student had peeked near them to show them his current project — the Ward Scythe. His device, however, slashed through the privacy wards the founders had erected for their little 'talk' and the whole castle's students heard Salazar's next sentence.

"# And that was the reason I wasn't allowing sons and daughters of muggles into this castle. We cannot judge the scales of a young sorcerer or enchantress even with your most skillful hat, Godric #", Salazar said in his frustrated tone. Godric was always rash and impatient when you told him that he actually can't do it — which was great for a Knight but not so much for a teacher.

The said student, in a state of utter shock, removed his scythe away and quickly ran to his table again silently. The other students too resumed eating, being careful not to glance at the fourth founder suspiciously.

And that one sentence changed how history viewed the brilliant founder forever.

"# — they might spy on us! #", Salazar had continued to keep his point of view on the topic, and then he spoke in a much more peaceful tone.

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