Wands and Villas

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Mykew was really busy in his work. He had a small carving knife in his hand and was carving a particular set of runes inside the hollow carved into the elder wood. They had to be perfect of course, otherwise the wand could do things as simple as not working to as disastrous as killing its wielder. 

He was putting everything in it, and it was perhaps the first wand to be engraved so intricately by himself on all forms of magic through all possible rune combinations that could work together. This one won't repel any sort of magic, and rather take the ambient magic all around to make the spells even more powerful.

That Elder Wand which he had wielded for a short period was too powerful to study by breaking it open — he just couldn't destroy such a precious artefact. But through all the outer testing he'd performed on it, he could at least see where it was leading to go. And now was the time to put everything together, perhaps creating a wand even more powerful than that sacred wand itself.

But the thing was that the wand was not ready to bond with any thestral hair he had himself bought from their tails. And so he did something that if went publicly unsuccessful, would be mocked at forever by wandmakers round the globe.

Using dual cores.

After the wand was ready, he tried the customary evaluation of the said wand. But the spell stopped halfway after reaching the peak capacity of the magical values. Either this could mean the wand was flawed —

Or too powerful for any wizard to wield it.

Now all he had to do was to find a capable wizard of witch who could perhaps at least control such a wicked force of nature. And what could be a better place to start with than the European Duel Masters?

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Harry had been conflicted on whether to tell his parents the full extent of the story or not, and in the end decided to just tell them what his friends and Dumbledore knew, conveniently skipping how Death had told him about this mission.

Remus and Sirius had finally decided to be a bit more sirius than just sitting at home and doing adulty things every night. Remus had grown to fame quite quickly as a Duels Master, while Sirius had surprisingly taken up to nominating himself to the Ministerial elections.

"How come it had taken so much time to arrange for the elections? It's been half the year already!", Harry had stated.

"The Dark faction were debating on whom to represent for a candidate, and since no one can elect just one person on the list, we had to wait with old Barty managing the seat till then", James had replied the dinner Harry came back.

"James! Pack up your bags! We're going to Croatia first thing tomorrow! I just got selected for the European Duel Masters!", Remus howled happily as he stormed inside the dining room.

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And so they'd gone to Croatia through International Portkey. On the day of the European Duel Masters tournament, where Harry was busy cheering hard for Moony, he found a really old man sitting next to him. He had really long hair, and he appeared ragged and tired from his looks.

The duels were really epic. Harry had a notepad and a Dicta-quill along with him to note down the spells they were using. It was really flashy and fast, and Harry was relieved thinking he was much better off duelling only seventh years instead.

"Come on, Moony! Show them how it's done!", Harry cheered when he saw Remus enter for the Top 4 match.

"You seem to know Mistar Lupin quite vell, I must say", the old man said to Harry. The man had a strange mystic aura around him, and his accent was more or less half Slavic and half German.

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