The War has Begun!

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DEMENTORS CHANGE ALLEGIANCE: 500 Prisoners Out of Azkaban!

By Rita Skeeter

That's right, readers!  In a shocking turn of events late last midnight, the prison guards reported seeing a pale figure dressed in a warrior's outfit leading the Dementors out and talking — that's right! Talking to them. What new kind of foolish devilry is roaming the streets now!? And one look at the now dead prison guards just proves their incompetence in handling a few wandless prisoners!

But let not the notion of Death Eaters, murderers and such cloud your judgement so much to not see the great inadequacy of the newly appointed Minister Sirius Black. As many of you might know from my previous article, he was a devilish and reckless bully in his times at Hogwarts, constantly seeing tormenting one poor Severus Snape. . .

"What in the freaking world is this?!", Harry exclaimed when he read the Prophet from Cedric Diggory, the Hufflepuff seeker from fourth year.

"Yeah, it's almost better that we are in France right now. Almost", Patricia Stimpson exclaimed.

"But who in the world did this? It's just written 'a pale figure dressed in a warrior's suit and nothing more", Roger Davies exclaimed.

"Just so it portrays Snape as a poor boy in the hands of big bad bullies — a load of dragonshite, but quite funny"

When he met Hermione during breakfast, she commented on their conversation with the 'medieval version of Fantastic Four'.

"Remember what Neil had said about him, 'a golden soul turning black, like a dementor incarnating in a human'? What if he did it. . . "

"Hermione! Don't be preposterous! Have you even seen the cover of the comic?", to which Hermione blushed and shook her head at her poor joke.

"Well, if you had, you'd seen how bad your joke was. The main guy, Reed Richards. . .", and the next half an hour went with Harry explaining Hermione what 'the brilliant superheroes' or in Hermione's terms, 'quartet of overgrown wonky kids' were — and why she should really improve her sense of humour.

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Albus could now proudly — or not so — say that out of all the most bizarre people and not-people he had met with, one Jasper the Foreteller was easily the strangest.

"How can you just pull Harry into a battle with a swordsman that literally does weekly murder as a job?"

"But you've got to understand, Mister Dumbledore, that only and only he can help us defeat him before he reaches the Line of Creation!"

"And how exactly are you confident enough that a group of just four people, with two thirteen year olds can defeat a horde of Dementors and the legendary Army of the Great Ring together?!"

"Just in the same way a Muggle, a bar owner, a teacher, a girl, a policewoman and an animal lover saved the entirety of Wizard kind and the rest of the humans from Gellery Grindelwald. It's up to the listener to make the stories dramatic or lesser flattering, Dumbledore"

"But I cannot allow it. He's — he's just a child, Foreteller, surely you cannot do such a monstrous thing to a child — make him a killer at such a tender age", Albus shook his head, eyes downcast. 

There was a time where he himself would instill the courage in people to follow paths to the Greater Good, and now here he was, battling against the very Fate of his existence to not let Harry on that path.

"What if, young man, I tell you, that once. . .", Jasper eyed him critically, "you set him on the very path to no good. Marked him as nothing more than a mere soldier against the darkness, walking on his feet towards mortal peril itself"

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