The Little Trip

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A/N: I know it takes out all of the fun if I say it — but still I guess I should otherwise you'd think I'm just pouring out all this, this information will be dead useful to Harry much later. A bit of foreshadowing is obviously better than directly saying, 'He took me on a trip one day and. . .', right?

31st October 1991

That morning Harry had gone to visit Professor Dumbledore to get assigned his first ever 'project'. Dumbledore had told Harry earlier that when Harry will start Hogwarts, he'll get certain small outdoor activities as 'projects'. And to say Harry was excited was an understatement — he was bouncing up and down at the prospect of it.

"So now Harry, we're going for a bit of hiking through these Scottish mountains. I had told you to pack everything, right?", Harry nodded. "So let's go", Professor said and Harry followed him down from the grounds.

"Carefully observe what you see, Harry. Do you have a warming charm on?", he added, to which Harry shook his head. With a flick of the Elder Wand, he was feeling warm enough again.

Harry did observe everything with as much focus as possible. The beautiful Scottish highlands in the middle of Autumn however, were bewitching his senses. The calm gusts of winds hitting his face and giving him chills despite the warming charms was incredible and smelled of dry leaves and dew. It was just wonderful.

When he glanced at the professor gesturing at him, Dumbledore pointed downwards. Harry looked down instead of gazing through the orange-painted Scottish highlands. He didn't notice anything, but noticed that it was really absurd that they were hiking completely in a straight path — not considering the easier routes.

Then they suddenly turned from there and at about 50 metres away from their earlier path, something in Harry turned a bit off. This continued till they stopped for a brunch, where Harry asked this very question to him.

"What you witnessed, Harry was the power of the ley lines", he said as he quietly took a small bite of his sandwich.

"As in the load of rubbish Alfred Watkins said?", he asked.

"No, Harry. What the muggles said mostly — trade routes through mountains and guides for aliens — yes, was rubbish. But they might not be entirely wrong about 'Earth energies' and stuff", Albus said quietly.

"So what you're trying to — wait a sec! These are magical?", he asked and Dumbledore just nodded his head.

"Quite a big brain, Harry. These lines spread throughout the world as powerful veins of Earth's magic. There are many, and irrespective of their size or length, are more or less equally powerful except for one group of them"

"And which ones are they?", he asked biting his cheeseburger — a favourite he picked up last year in the States.

"The Lines of the Six Elements. Now don't ask me which are the other two elements than the standard four, Harry, just that it's called that. The central one passes through the USA, Britain, the country in which Durmstrang is located and all the way till India. The corollaries of this line run through various different regions and are equally strong. Most magical schools are located on these lines"

"Sir. . .", he began but halted.

"Harry", he said calmly — truly calmly this time.

"It's a stupid question", he said quickly.

"Remember, Harry. The only questions which are stupid are the ones that you should have asked, but didn't"

"What do these lines really do? Like they make you stronger? Or potions brewed or rituals performed stronger?", he asked.

"That isn't a stupid question, Harry — that is a great one. There are still speculations about the potions part, but yes Harry, the main ley lines tend to make rituals phenomenally stronger", Dumbledore said and wiped his face.

"And? Do they make magicals like us stronger? Because I certainly felt different over there —", he pointed somewhat hundred metres away, "than here"

"They do, but not as much. They certainly encourage the growth of magical ingredients, however. In fact, were you not adept at sensing magic, you won't have been able to sense the lines at all", Albus said in a much cheery tone.

"So this was the project?", Harry asked the old man as they started retreating.

"No Harry. The project starts now. You are to clear your mind as in mind magics and try to sense the pulses and movements of the ley lines. This will help you soon enough"

"And sir. May I ask why did we come here today? As in on Halloween?", Harry asked.

"The magical calendar — the one which is now long forgotten by people — marks All Hallows' Eve or Halloween as one of the most magical nights of the year. I couldn't take you at night now, could I? Come to think of it, Harry, the calendar might make you a good future project", he winked.

Suddenly, Albus grabbed Harry's hand and apparated directly inside of Hogwarts.

"I thought that wasn't possible!", Harry shrieked as they entered the Gryffindor common room.

"Being me has its own privileges", Albus chuckled and went out of the potrait hole.

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