Foe of the Forces

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A/N: Remember Neil? And Calypso Rosier? And the Patron of Life and Arbiter of Fate? Well, all these side lines are starting to unite together and ultimately into Harry Potter's life. And I'm introducing the last (I promise!) Major Character into this story before the plot actually starts moulding into action and away from the pinings of a prodigious genius.

The Blind Sorcerer. A.K.A. The Muggle Magical. A.K.A. Neil Jones of Hertfordshire was walking down the street. A few years yet barely a year earlier, he was a normal bloke with just an abnormal eyesight. But now after being pulled into another dimension and given extensive training to unravel his hidden powers, he felt really different.

He had protested it. A lot. How could two out-of-this-world spirits just teleport him into another dimension? That's just plain cheating and egoistic display of dominance. But yet, when he received the tirade of explanations by Salazar, he felt so humble in this grand scheme of things to eradicate the world from such an evil monstrosity.

And so he embarked on his 'touring year' experimenting the effect of his 'Eye' as they called it on various objects, creatures and finally humans.

In his visit to Romania, he had cured the ailment of one two hundred year old vampire who had finally found true love and wanted to grow old. The way he profusely thanked Neil when he finally somehow made the vampire's heart beat again, it was such a beautiful feeling. It wasn't easy. He had to use the pensieve the vampire had (gosh, they were so expensive!) to see a lot of bloody (literally) videos and imageries of the heart to get an idea of what to do. But he did it. As he saw the golden sphere start to grow and engulf the purple body of the vampire in its sheen with the intricate patterns a living soul had, he couldn't help but feel he contained a fraction of the power of the Forces and Gods.

And today he was visiting their ambassador. The Arbiter of Fate. One of the twenty-one immortal humans on the planet, and among the five who were there for delivering justice — and not as eternal punishment as the rest were.

"Good morning, Master Jones", he said in an easy going accent which he could place as Canadian. His days as a shopkeeper in a tourist place had come handy. But he looked like an Arab, and his way of attire was that of ancient East-Asian warriors. His small hut on the top of a misty mountain contained relics and ancient artefacts, judging by the slow yet graceful movements of the Force inside them. Yet the familiar spheres and swirls of magic was quite rare in the various objects, much lesser than he'd expected.

"Good morning, Arbiter of Fate", his voice still struggled to hide the small hint of sleepiness creeping in his tone. Apparently, even after 19 years of doing so, he still never got the habit of waking up at 3 AM in the morning,which these other-worldly men often called 'The Hour of the Gods'.

"I hope the walk was quite pleasing to your senses", he commented casually. Yes, the exotic flowers and plants with the sweetest fruit were indeed quite helpful in the 19 kilometre walk from the nearest civilisation.

"Tea? Apparently, this Chinese herbal tea is quite illuminating to your brain", he said, pouring him a cup.

"Your treasure trove is certainly quite spectacular, Arbiter of Fate", he commented as he observed the swirls of magical ingredients he was familiar with. The Arbiter's body seemed like that of a normal person, but instead of the aura radiating outwards as those of most humans and other beings, his seemed to draw power inwards instead. From nature. Absolutely amazing. 

"If you will wait for a few more minutes, Master Jones, we are about to be joined by the Patron of Life along the way", he said. His tone was that of someone who knew what he was doing. Of authority and power. Yet displaying an acquired casualness to the ways of common folk.

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