Part 89

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Becky's POV

Tears flow down my eyes and I can't see clearly because of my tears and I mean this literally. Liza's hands that's been gripping my hand loosened. I kept on waking her up while Kirk is doing CPR on her. Kirk has been crying but he's so focused and even counting while pumping both his hands. The people gathered around us made me hear murmurs, gasps and whispers. I even heard some people recognizing Kirk. Kirk is sweating hard but didn't dare stop.

We've been like that for a few more minutes until the people's buzzes are gone. I looked around and I saw a certain person who is familiar coming towards our way. "What is she doing here?" She smiled sadly at me but focused her attention on Kirk and told Kirk to stop. "Do they know each other?" Kirk didn't seem to hear her cause he was still doing the CPR. She then grabbed Kirk's hand and that's when Kirk lost it. He pushed her so hard that she fell hard on the floor. Kirk was surprised by his own action and there's guilt in his eyes but went back to Liza. He started to place his hands on Liza's to continue CPR but she stopped him again and slapped Kirk in the face. This seems to wake Kirk up as he starts to speak.

Kirk: (surprised) Lax..

Lax started crying so the three of us are now a mess. Lax seems to be the collected one in the three of us cause after a while she spoke.

Lax: (crying) She's gone Kirk. You need to go back. Freen.. she's awake..I will take care of everything here.

"Lax was my private investigator and how does she know Kirk and she even know Freen?"

I'm very curious and want to know more but I decided not to ask or focus into it cause Liza's lifeless body beside me is way more important. Lax gave a signal and the people in black who is after Liza is now grabbing Kirk away from us. I started to wipe my tears and Lax is now holding Liza's hand too.

Lax: (crying) I did what you asked. My debt is paid. Goodbye Liza. Thank you for everything that you've done for all of us.

She kissed Liza on her hands then she started to stand up but her legs seemed to be weak as she slamped back down. She cried with me some more and I can feel Liza's body starting to get cold. Lax seems to gather herself cause she's now standing. She bowed her head and she started to walk away. "Is she fucking kidding me?! Are they gonna leave her here?!"

I can feel my anger rising so I shouted at her.

Becky: (angry ) So that's it?! You're just gonna leave her here?!

Lax stopped on her tracks but she didn't look back or anything and after like a minute she started walking again.

Becky: (furious ) Does she mean nothing to you all?!! You are all useless pieces of shits!!! 

I myself is surprised how dirty my mouth can be but I'm fucking fuming at the moment that I didn't care.

Becky: (shouting) She told me that you guys were her family!! How can you just kill and leave her like this!! This is all your fucking fault and yet you have the audacity to leave her just like that!!!

I can feel my hand tightening into a fist and my grip to Lisa's hand became tighter. Lax suddenly looked back at me and and for the first time I saw anger. She came to me and the next thing I know is that her head is leveling mine.

Lax: (angry) If someone were to blame here it's YOU!! (pointing her finger at Rebecca's chest) YOU and YOUR FAMILY!!! YOUR fucking Dad started this fucking war!! Liza died just so she can come to YOU!! and you're the reason why we can't even give her a proper funeral cause she betrayed us FOR YOU!!!

I was taken aback by what she said. "What?!! Me?!! Seriously?!!! How can it be my fault?! and what war is she talking about?!" Lax immediately left and I was left speechless. Why are they blaming me? For God Sake I took Liza in when her life is in danger so why blame me? Liza went to their place for Freen's sake and they killed her for it and how can that be my fault?

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