Chapter 601: Crimson Moon Lord?

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The four mightiest transcendents of Twilight City had joined forces. No, including the legend of the god’s ancient tree. Five people couldn’t break the deadlock on the battlefield.

Richard was not surprised to see this.

Not to mention that Lolita had the help of the Decay King, the Conspiracy God, who had intimidated the Mortal Plane for tens of millions of years. It was not something a few transcendents could deal with.

The other party had lived for far too long. One could describe the foundation as abnormal.

One would suspect a conspiracy if a few transcendents could suppress the other party.

That was especially true when the other party used a high-grade divine weapon.

That would reflect the difference between the mortals and the gods.

Richard had only seen it in the hands of the old white-haired man who had lost his heart in the Red Dragon General Store. This man was the teacher of the primary character of the new expansion pack and the teacher of the Crimson Lord, Windsor. However, it was not a combat treasure. The wishing scales were more of a functional type.

Lolita didn’t put the top transcendents of Twilight City in her eyes.

They could even fight legends head-on, although the battle power of these transcendents far exceeded that of ordinary transcendents.

But to her, Twilight City was still too weak. Her long life had given her things that outsiders could not imagine.

The dark light on its body continued to surge. That even injected more majestic power into the dark red statue.

Richard increased the suppression of the abomination before him.

The divine power in his body supported the void spider web behind him to block the attack.

Divine artifacts required divine power to be activated. The gods lose their divine power if they lose their authority.

The once handy weapons became arduous to use. One could no longer use several of the backup plans. That was because of the lack of divine power.

However, Lolita’s body had obtained a portion of the abomination’s power and possessed divine powers.

The situation had fallen into a state of no return.

A high-grade divine artifact, dozens of transcendents, the abominations she had nurtured, the dark red statue of the great ancient ones, and the two gods personally taking action. Lolita almost froze everything.

She instantly formed a sure-kill situation.

Players could only watch helplessly as some energy stripped the power of the god’s ancient tree away.

Unfortunately, they had encountered someone they could not identify. The iceberg hidden under the water was the real power.

Richard flew to the center of the battle like lightning. He looked down at Lolita. A void spider web protected her.

A statue emitted a dark red light and appeared in his hand.

It had broken wings on its back. It had octopus-like tentacles on its head, a terrifying aura that made people’s hearts turn cold. At a glance, it seemed to have come alive.

They were all extraordinary. These made people tremble just by looking at them.

Lolita seemed to have sensed something. She looked up and saw the statue in Richard’s hand. She revealed a mocking expression.