Chapter 607: New Plan

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“Lord Richard, I didn’t expect you to have such a relationship with the Immortal Lord…”

The Grand Duke looked at Richard with a complicated expression. There was a hint of relief on his face.

Fortunately, he had come to Twilight City. Otherwise, the enemies could have flatten Frostwolf Territory.

No one was willing to face the endless undead troop. It was a true natural disaster!

Richard would have been skeptical if someone else had told him this. But who was this person before him?

Even the gods had killed two top-notch figures.

The other party hadn’t reached the transcendent level yet. The weight of his words was enough to make him perk up his ears and listen carefully.

Richard waved his hand.

“It was just a coincidence.”

He spoke meaningfully.

“I’ll give you a token later. Show it to the Immortal Sovereign. He will naturally know what to do. Does the Grand Duke have any other thoughts other than these two matters?”

The Grand Duke of Frostwolf’s expression turned grave.

“Lord Richard, I would like to ask you. Where should the Frostwolf clan go in the future?”

“I’m no longer confident I can control the current situation…”

The gods had already fallen into the mortal world, and the undead of the abyss and hell had all appeared. It would be difficult to protect himself in a wave. Legends couldn’t help him.

The gods could not protect themselves. What more is the Frostwolf Family?

Richard let out a long sigh after a moment of silence.

“No one can predict what the future will be like.”

“But one thing is for sure… The turmoil will continue, and the chaos is far from over.”

“The Frostwolf Family can form a group with other forces to keep warm. We can also recruit more forces to protect Frostwolf City together.”

“Only after surviving this long winter can we welcome the warm spring breeze.”

Frostwolf took a deep breath and nodded solemnly.

“I’ve learned my lesson. Lord Richard, the Frostwolf Family would like to apply for you to move into Ell. If that is possible.”

The strength of the players could not be compared to the natives, but that was under normal circumstances. Ell was different. Richard supported the top forces. He was the Slayer God. Thousands of guilds and millions of players supported the lower ones.

This force could mobilize hundreds of millions, billions, or even more troops.

The Ell Plane had attracted more players as the chaos in the outside world intensified. The members of the All Players Association also increased their investment.

The external crisis made the internal unity even stronger. No one wanted to lose this shelter.

It was no exaggeration to say that Ell Plane was one of the safest places in the world.

Ell’s influence was almost entirely due to Richard’s influence.

Outsiders couldn’t imitate this kind of lofty reputation.

Quite a few natives occupied the plane. But most of them were based on their strength. It was far less exaggerated than the Ell Plane that had tens of millions of players.