Chapter 628: Has Qingqiu Locked Himself with the Gods?

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The war in Twilight City was no longer as simple as the war between hell and the city.

This war divided the line between the New Era and the Old Era. It was a battle between the challengers and the groups with established interests. It was a battle of life and death.

Whoever won would win the future.

Meanwhile, the players silently stood on the opposite side of the entire world.

This time, they had no way out.

They could still live if the natives lost. They could still have a future even after the New Era arrived.

Most players would lose land, power, wealth, and even life if they lost.

The Devil Lord Bardi burned with hellish flames and emitted an evil aura. He stared at the battlefield in front of him with bloodshot eyes.

The prolonged battle had already caused him to fall into madness, and he could erupt at any time.

He would have already killed his way in if it weren't for the abomination's aura that lingered above the city.

He finally saw hope after ten days of intense battle or more. That was the hope of revenge.

The intense battle has mostly destroyed the city wall of the city. The demon troop had entered and started to fight the Grace of the Mainland Overlord'stroop.

He could already feel the other party's resistance. Its defense gradually crumbled.

He forced troops to retreat under the enemies' savage slaughter.

One could trace the existence of the Ninth Hell back to the beginning of the world. The power accumulated over countless years was so deep that it was difficult to describe.

One must have flattened this city long ago if it weren't for the restricting world rules. It wouldn't be in such a stalemate.

Bardi got excited, and a demon herald quickly walked over from behind him.

"Lord, the corpses buried under the sand have disappeared..."

Bardi heard this and turned his head abruptly. His fiery eyes burned with a deep red flame.

"Disappeared? Where did they go?"

It had been ten days of war, and the rate of casualties was uncountable. But the spell casters buried those corpses in the city under the control of the sand.

He had noticed it a few times before but missed the significance. He ignored the unusual. He realized the other party had deceived him.

"There's the aura of a spatial gate in the depths of the earth. The other party must have moved it."

Bardi frowned at the dilapidated city walls.

"Send a troop to destroy or move them away. Don't give those humans a chance."

"Pass on my order. Intensify the attacks. I want the fastest speed to flatten this damn city!!"

"We will obey your orders, Lord!"

The closer the war reared, the more intense the atmosphere became.

In the live stream, the surviving players also got crazy as they watched the endless attacks of the demon troop.

"F*ck, and the brothers in the troop, stop hiding. Motherf*cker, if we don't defend this time, we're all done! Send them all up!"

"Brothers, don't believe the promises of the gods! Once the other party wins, the first thing they will do is to understand the potential danger. As the rebel troops that overthrew their rule, they will not tolerate us! Killing people in this world is not something that violates morality and law. The believers can tear us apart if the gods send an imperial decree. Those players from the gods' camp must not think they can escape it!"