Chapter 629: Qingqiu Tore the Ninth Hell Lord?

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The power of authority created an indestructible seal that isolated Solan City from the outside world.

One would have to fight against the power of the entire desert of death to break through. He would have to wrestle with the Eternal Land, the genuine cage.

No one could have imagined Richard’s boldness.

His actions meant that not only were the gods unable to leave, but he was also locked inside.

He couldn’t escape the situation, even if he volunteered to lose.

Did Richard know the consequences of his actions? That puzzled everyone!

Or did he have the confidence to kill all the gods sealed in Solan City?

But how was this possible? How could he kill the hundreds of gods, including innumerable gods?

No matter how they thought about it. They wished they were just dreaming.

No one knew the plans and thoughts of the floating and yellow sand-covered figure.

He sealed the city, and another piece of news suddenly came. The audience in the live stream room received an even more intensive blow.

The few remaining live stream rooms disappeared.

That meant that all the players who had received the World Power’s blessing, except for Richard, had been killed.

That was a total of 100,000 people! Richard alone remained seven days later.

The terrifying death rate made reality extremely cruel.

The players were already mentally prepared but still felt extreme sadness when they saw a lone spot left in the middle of the live stream room.

The players who thought they could get away with it had completely extinguished their unrealistic thoughts.

The bloody truth told everyone that strength was the only thing in this world.

One could trample those who survived by luck. Survivors still had to prepare.

At this point, all hope rested on Richard alone.

There was still a seed that would prevent the players from falling into complete despair.

Moreover, this seed was so efficient that it had already resisted the attack of the hell demons before the release of the expansion pack of the Darkness Before Dawn chapter.

Billions of players in the live stream room had mixed feelings. They fixed their eyes on the stalwart figure that floated above the desert church.

He didn’t say anything. But he gave off a strong sense of trust.

Richard did not display even the slightest fear before the existence of Asmodeus, even if the spy gods had spotted him.

“Boss Qingqiu! Hang in there!”

Richard had no time to care about the players’ emotions. He felt more powerful than ever.

The power of the desert of death obeyed his command, and the power of the Eternal Land had already blessed him.

A tsunami-like power surged in his blood vessels and muscles. At this moment, he could shatter cities, split mountains, and break the sea with one hand!

He slowly exhaled to calm his mind. He turned to look at the few figures on the broken roof in front of the desert church.

His eyes revealed an inexplicable playfulness.