Chapter 604: Low-Level Divine Weapon-Decaying Scepter, the Unrivalled and Overbe

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Lolita left her body. That was part of the harvest that Richard valued.

The highlight was still the treasure the Decay King dropped. The staff in the other party’s hand emitted terrifying fluctuations.

That scepter unleashed all of the other party’s attacks.

One inserted it into the ground beside the corpse with the broken chest.

Richard took the rotten bodies on the ground into the god’s ancient tree’s plane. That revealed the charred black soil unique to the abyss.

The Decay King’s corpse had shrunk to a height of two to three meters. Its scepter had also returned to ordinary.

Richard looked expectant.

He slowly landed on the ground.

He stared at the authority before him and opened his attribute panel.

[Decaying Scepter]

[Level: Low-grade Divine Weapon]

[Divine Weapon Attribute: Decaying Power (Increases Decaying Authority by 300%)]

[Additional Skill:
1. Decay (Low-level Divine Spell) – Forcefully decays the target’s body and soul.
2. Decaying Freeze (Low-level Divine Spell) – Allows the corpse in a lifetime rotten state.
3. Decaying Light (Low-level Divine Spell) – Transforms the target into a rotten and remarkable evil soldier. It obtained the Corrupted Body, Corrupted Enhancement, and Corrupted Poison. These three are A-rank skills. All attributes will increase by 50% to 300% based on the degree of transformation.)
4. Corrosive in All Directions (Forbidden Spell) – It creates a corrosive power-filled area that can devour all life.
5. Spheres of Decay (Legendary) – Spells magic with the power of corruption. It could cause vast damage to the enemy.]

[Description: A divine artifact forged from the rotten authority. The user must control the use of it. One could use all skills without it.]

Richard’s eyes lit up.

“Was this a divine artifact?”

Those were four divine and one forbidden spell. The lowest level was a legendary skill.

He read the introduction. He understood why the other party did not appear strong when he held the divine artifact in his hand.

Only rotten authority could use these divine spells. The Decay Lord would never have thought that one day, one would strip his power.

However, was this thing really suitable for the god’s ancient tree?

Richard glanced at the 90-meter-tall abomination. It had an extremely exaggerated body shape after it rose from the ground.

He didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

The power of a divine artifact was extraordinary. The god’s ancient tree must have felt useless.

This boss liked to rush up and smash his enemies. That would make him invincible.

It was odd to give him a spellcaster’s scepter.

Treebeard’s eyes moved slightly. It curiously looked at it.

“Lord, I can feel the weapon in your hand calling out to me…”

One had forged this from rotten authority. How could it not summon you?

Richard felt like he had lost a treasure. He threw the decaying scepter to the invincible boss.

“This is the weapon of the Decay King. Those who control the power can use it.”

A vast tree root rolled up the decaying scepter. The one-meter-long weapon was like a toothpick compared to its monumental body.