Chapter 616: Fate Chosen Him

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The ordinary-looking middle-aged woman stared at the desert church for long under her dark gray cloak. Her figure was like a statue. She stood silently.

The believers must not see each other as people came and went. They passed by her and didn’t stop.

No one knew how long had passed before the other party returned to her senses. Her eyes moved slightly, and her expression changed.

“The aura of the Dwarf God? The dwarf who peeked into the river of fate is still alive?”

“The other party found the key so quickly. It must have discovered more things in the river of fate than I expected.”

The middle-aged woman stared at the desert church. She tightened her cloak. She did not step into it and turned around to leave.

However, the passers-by could feel that the other party’s footsteps were remarkably simple. It was as if they had received some good news.

“The gears of fate had turned. This city at the edge of the desert will become the center of the world.”

“The key… I wonder what will happen behind that door.”

“What will happen in the New Era?”

“Do we old souls still have the qualifications to step into it?”

The middle-aged woman walked into the alley and disappeared into the crowd.

No one paid attention to such a sudden appearance. And no one cared about such an ordinary person.

The middle-aged woman disappeared soon after, and the crowd suddenly became noisy.

She looked at the sky where the woman had fanatically stopped just now with a gaze.

“Your Excellency!”

“Great God of the Desert, your loyal believers pray to you…”


The followers of the Desert Sect knelt on the ground humbly and piously saluted.

Believers filled the wide streets as they knelt on the ground. It was quite a spectacular sight.

Richard ignored the believers and looked down at the ground with a grave expression.

The dwarf statue in his hand emitted a faint holy light. It was particularly eye-catching.

“Your Excellency Fam? Have you discovered the existence of that person?”

Inside the dwarf statue, on the throne, the sleeping Dwarf God had woken up at some point. At this moment, this top-notch big shot who had survived countless years ago had a bewildered expression.

“It’s her aura!!”

“But if it is her and she doesn’t want to see the world, no one can find her.”

Richard frowned.

“Your Excellency Fam, can you tell me who that existence is?”

He had just dealt with administrative matters in the Desert Sect when the Dwarf God suddenly woke up and nervously informed him that a big shot had appeared outside the church and asked him to come and welcome him.

However, he missed.

The Divine Throne God and the Dwarf God wore gorgeous bird feather cloaks and gemstone-filled rings. That revealed a hint of incomprehensible meaning in his deep eyes.

“Shar, the Darkness Goddess.”

“The shadow and dark side of the world. Two ancient gods were born at the same time as the Light Goddess at the beginning of creation.”