Chapter 624: Only This Little God? Not Enough, Far from Enough!

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Figures appeared in Solan City.

On top of the city wall that looked like a valley, soldiers in heavy armor wildly attacked the enemies who wanted to break through the city.

These attackers had no flesh or blood on their bodies, only pale bones. The blue soul fire burned wildly in their empty eyes.

Their bodies would make creaking sounds every time they moved forward. There was a dense aura of death that made people’s hearts tremble.

They were monsters from the three evil lands–the undead.

Countless undead!

They looked down from the sky, and the land in front of Solan City was vast and boundless.

The sea of monsters like the skeleton warriors, skeleton archers, specters, zombies, headless cavalries, and the liches formed a flood and rushed towards the city wall.

Ordinary people couldn’t imagine how terrifying this scene was if they did not see it with their own eyes.

There were also terrifying monsters in the sky other than those on the ground. They include the bone dragons, ghost dragons, and zombie dragons. Countless high-level undead soldiers roared past without any fear.

All were transcendent soldiers.

They would treat each one like a small boss if players encountered them. Some weaker ones would even need to mobilize the entire territory’s troops to encircle and suppress them.

However, this power all surged towards Solan City. It was like a vast wave that crashed against a reef.

Multifarious siege weapons mixed in with the undead troops apart from that.

A catapult made of white bones, a siege chariot made of squirming flesh, a cloud chariot filled with plague, and a twisted ghost siege ladder attacked the city walls. Undead characteristics shrouded their weapons.

A single wave could destroy an ordinary under such attacks.

Fortunately, this was Solan City. It was the most magnificent and mighty city in the desert of death.

One must not outdo the troops that fought against the undead on the city wall. They wouldn’t retaliate.

The battle scene gave people an unparalleled visual impact. One couldn’t compare even the most magnificent special effects.

The rumbling sounds of artillery fire and magic explosions penetrated the magic shield of Solan City and echoed in the city.

The residents, who were already restless, were now in a state of agitation.

Fear spread in their hearts, but the weak, who could not control their fate, could only pray piously to the god of their faith. They would pray for resistance and savior.

Richard had unlimited influence in Solan City, but the entire city’s troop was still under the command of the original Solan City troop system. He did not have an order.

However, the troop quickly arranged for communications personnel to report the troop situation to the Desert Sect.

That was a sect under the command of a true god. The undead outside were ferocious, and there might be some accidents. They could have relied on him for action.

The sudden appearance of the undead caused a commotion among the low-level residents in the city, and the gods who had infiltrated the walls also began to show their faces.

The nobles covered every corner of Solan City with their tentacles. They could feel the surge of an undercurrent. However, these nobles could only be cautious and vigilant if they sensed something strange under the pressure of the undead’s crazy siege. They did not dare to do anything on the surface.