Chapter 623: Siege

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The building the residents had completed ago was the administrative center of the entire Twilight City.

This place controlled all aspects of Twilight City and was the center of the city while Richard was not around.

Karu is the highest authority in the administrative hall. He looked at the dozens of high-ranking officials with a deep gaze.

The war horn outside the window was like a huge rock that weighed down on everyone’s hearts.

The air was deathly still.

Butler Karu slowly stood up and placed his hands on the table after a moment of silence. They drew their attention to him.

They suddenly realized that this old gray-haired, wrinkled, and hunchbacked man was as tall as a giant.

His deep voice was hoarse and solemn.

“Did you hear that?”

“The horn of war has sounded… Our enemy is here.”

Everyone in the room subconsciously stood still. The officials’ eyes reflected solemnity.

“A devil from the ninth floor of hell.”

Butler Karu added in a light yet heavy voice.

“You should know how powerful these evil lifeforms are. They are savage, crazy, and bloodthirsty!”

“No one is willing to face them.”

He finished speaking, and Karu slammed the table fiercely. That shocked everyone.

The veins on the old gray-haired man’s neck bulged like wriggling snakes. His usually calm and kind face turned extremely ferocious at this moment. He was like a wild beast that was about to devour someone.

His hoarse voice roared hysterically.

“But we have no way out!”

“Twilight City is right under our feet!”

“This is our home, our support, the holy land that we will protect with our lives and souls!”

“Unless you step over our corpses and lie down, otherwise… No one can step into this city!”

“The heavens are watching us!”

“Every citizen of Twilight City will bless us!”

“For no one shall let that gaze down… Fight to the death!”

The high-pitched and hoarse voice did not have the instigating power of skill. Everyone sat and felt the blood boil under the reverberation of the war horn.

The person at the front stood up abruptly and slammed the table in rage.

“Fight to the death!”

The remaining people immediately turned around, stood up in unison, and roared ferociously.

“Fight to the death!”

His arrogant voice could suppress the roars of a dragon!


The dull sound of the war horn was like the low cry of a vulture that circled in the sky. Every echo meant that death was approaching.

Countless demons were like locusts. They covered the desert in front of Twilight City.

They looked at the sky, and a blood-red ocean covered the desert. A brutal and dark aura soared. Even the soldiers in the wild dozens of kilometers away felt the uneasiness in their souls.