Chapter 609: The Desert God Is Dumbfounded, Am I A Substitute?

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Madness was the theme of chaos.

In the background of the turmoil, everyone felt a strong sense of restlessness and danger.

It was the uneasiness of the future and the confusion of tomorrow.

It was enough for everyone in an environment to seize, even if only a sliver of hope.

The Desert Sect played such a role at this moment.

In the endless despair, it was as if a savior had descended from the sky in the darkest moment. It gave everyone light and hope and caused the residents trapped in the quicksand to go crazy.

The energy of a drowning person would enormously erupt if he spotted a life-saving straw.

In addition, the nobles who ruled Solan City were timid. That boosted further the prestige of the Desert Sect.

The situation gradually tilted towards the Desert Sect.

The boss behind hid in an inconspicuous street in Solan City.

A tall figure wore a yellow cloak in a dilapidated and narrow house. He calmly looked at the sky through the open window.

A wall of the small courtyard stood two meters away from the window. Dewy moss covered it. The wall was not high, but it blocked most of the line of sight.

Even looking up at the sky would become extravagant during low tide.

That was because the sky also charged according to its value.

Three black-robed priests stood quietly behind this mysterious existence.

However, their eyes were like burning fireballs.

That was the only light that lit up the starry sky because the person before them was their faith, their ruler!

The Desert God!

There was an indescribable restlessness in the silence.

A loud shout came from outside the wall in this remarkable atmosphere.

“Praise the god of the desert!”

The sudden figure broke the silence in the room. The three black-robed priests immediately became excited.

Words of praise for the Desert God rang out incessantly.

The few black-robed priests became excited.

“Your Excellency, did you hear that? The believers praise your glory!”

“Your light has already enveloped the entire Solan City!”

“Half of the residents in Solan City will become believers of the Desert Sect in half a month at most!”

“You are eternity!”

The Desert God slowly turned around with a hood over his head. Richard looked closely. He could see a clear face under the hood. It was like a layer of mist covered it.

It gave off an endless sense of mystery and majesty, making people not dare to look directly at it.

One could see a pair of amber eyes in the haziness.

They emitted a sharp light that made people dare not look directly at it. That was like an eagle that hunted.

The other party stared at the three black-robed priests. They trembled and lowered their heads. They did not dare to be disrespectful to their beliefs.

“The rules of the world have changed.”

“Those mortals who think they have great power sought even greater might. And this method is to kill gods!”