Chapter 612: Richard Becomes Transcendental, 30% Desert Authority Special: Divin

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The system notification rang out, and Richard felt a majestic power surge into his body. His desert authority expanded at an exaggerated rate.

A small stream surged like a river.

The scope of his control over authority had expanded. It was like playing a game. His vision was ten times wider.

That was a transformation.

Richard looked at his attribute panel. The 15% authority had increased to 30%.

It was only a 15% increase in numbers. Richard felt that the power that the authority could control was more than ten times stronger than before!

He narrowed his eyes and sensed carefully. His perception spread out afterward. That directly extended to the desert outside Solan City.

The entire desert cheered and welcomed its ruler!

His spirit touched the desert. A majestic power quietly flowed through his will and strengthened his body.

Richard opened the attribute panel again. He could see a special status.

[Desert Blessing]

[All attributes will be increased by 600% in an area covered by the desert. The system will increase recovery of the Mana, Sand Power, and Divine Power ten times.]

Richard couldn’t help but let out a comfortable moan.

An unprecedented power filled the cells of his body.

He waved his hand. That tore the sky and the earth apart.

No one could stop him as far as the eye could see.

The rapid in strength brought the feeling, and he suppressed it. He sighed.

He calmed down a little, and the prayers of the believers below rang in his ears again.

Countless expectations, reverence, and fanaticism turned into pure energy and poured into his body.

The faith of hundreds of people became distinct because of the increase in authority.

The faith’s majestic power condensed in his body, and he activated the authority again.

The activated authority automatically summoned the desert. The desert responded to the summoning of the power and sent more energy.

This virtuous cycle overjoyed Richard.

The authority has affected him as the carrier. The power of faith and desert included.

The authority baptized his cells. Boundless energy bathed every inch of his skin and bones.

Richard had increased from level 18 to level 19 in the past half a year, although he did not deliberately increase his level.

However, he was still far from becoming a transcendent.

However, the experience bar that was initially stuck soared at an exaggerated speed under the baptism of several forces.

Boundless energy pushed Richard to break through to another realm.

The energy watered his body, and the image of the desert quietly appeared in his mind.

The desert was an eternal existence that could withstand the erosion of the river of time, the corruption of the sun and moon, and the impact of everything in the world.

It was endless, violent, quiet, and filled with despair and hope.

To control the desert meant to resist time, endure decay, and withstand the impact of all things.