Chapter 613: Grand Duke in Solan City: His Excellency Richard's Plan this Time i

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November 16th.

That was the second day after the arrival of the great true god of the desert. His Excellency Richard arrived in Solan City.

The demons that had incessantly appeared in the city had disappeared for some reason.

The Solan City guards also patrolled the city and restored public order.

The danger-filled environment has returned to the time before the Glittering Stars Day. It was safe again.

The tensed residents felt a long-lost sense of relief.

The followers of the Desert Sect directly attributed this achievement to Richard.

The gods lived here so they could regain this kind of safety.

However, the believers did not know that the Desert God teleported the demons.

The Solan City troop had also noticed the other party’s movements. But there was a farce of demons that wreaked havoc in the city because it was arduous to stop them with Grand Duke’s exhortations.

Solan City would not have grown to its current height if one could easily invade it with its foundation.

It was often difficult for ordinary people to see the whole picture of the incident. That motivated the believers of the Desert Sect!

Their god lived in the same city as them!

That was a true god who had revealed a miracle!

The propaganda of the sects and various forces, the influence and prestige of the gods who held power in the Mortal Plane had long risen to the peak for millions of years.

The gods lost their authority and fell into the mortal world. But That did not affect this authority. One could not break the rules of inertia that had existed for millions of years in a short period.

Only those ambitious people with powerful strength dared to spy on the gods.

He relieved the natives, but the players were restless.

Outsiders didn’t know the exact situation. But they heard the system notification that Qingqiu slayed the Desert God!

Several players had sought shelter from the natives due to the turmoil outside. Therefore, there were hundreds of thousands of players gathered in Solan City.

It was impossible to hide what happened the other day with that speed.

To survive in the dangerous “Shining Era’ until now, not many people were idiots.

One hung a mysterious being in the sky above Solan City. He overlooked the world and called himself the Desert God. The players had witnessed Richard’s control of the Desert Sect. They quickly deduced. That was most likely Qingqiu!

This speculation quickly spread on the forum and caused a vast sensation.

Countless players saw this news. Question marks filled their heads. How did Qingqiu suddenly become the Desert God?

Soon, they thought of the expansion pack. The introduction of the first chapter of the Twilight of the Gods in the New Era–Killing gods would give authority.

The players corroborated each other’s words. They found out the truth. Envy filled them. Flames filled their chests.

They saw their future, a bright path with Richard!

They killed the gods and would instantly become the masters of the world’s laws!

This kind of temptation once again stirred the players. Richard became a role model.