The football game

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After the situation with Lou, I walked downstairs to see Amber, Niall, Liam, Harry, and Zayn sitting at the long table eating. They were all deep in conversation until I walked in. I got the point.

"Louie is okay. Just a bad dream.", I say sitting next to Amber and Niall.m

"I wonder what it was about.", Liam says from the other side of Amber, his arm around her shoulders.

"I don't know but it sounded bad. I was already awake by the time he started talking.", Harry said.

"Talking? I just thought he was screaming.", I said and Harry's eyes locked on mine. His green orbs were full of worry.

"He uhh said things like 'don't jump', and 'your not in the way' and then he started to cry and scream.", Harry said.

"Hmm, wonder what's wrong.", I said and he nodded in agreement.

Just then, Lou came stumbling sleepily into the kitchen doorframe rubbing his eyes. He was dressed and thats when I relized that I wasn't dressed yet.

I still had football today.

"Hey Am? Whens football today?", I ask Amber whose eyes widen.

"Uhh uhh umm I think its at uhh.", She stutters. "Yeah! Its at noon!", She says snapping her fingers. I laugh and then she does too.

"It's 10:15 now so I'll go shower and get dressed okay guys?", I say standing up.

"You guys have a game? It's a little late in the spring season to be having a game don't you think?", Zayn says looking confused at Niall who shrugs.

"I don't play in the spring.", Niall answers.

"I think it's a game for extra practice.", I say walking past Lou who smiles at me and I go up the stairs.

When I get to the bathroom I undo my hair from the hairtie it was fastened in all night and undressed.

I turned the shower knob to warm and after it was warm enough I stepped in, letting the hot water warm me up. I was freezing.

I grabbed my Gardiar Frutis (sp.) shampoo and squirted some into my hair.

I then grabbed the watermelon scented hair primer and put that in too.

After I finished my hair and body I stepped out and plugged in the hair dryer onto the outlet by the counter.

After my hair was dry again I put it into a high ponytail and fishtailed the hair coming down.

After I pinned back my bangs and got dryed off I got my jersey and shorts and undergarments fro Amber and I's room and got dressed quickly.

I sat on one of the random chair sitting around the room and started to pull on my ankle guards and shin guards. Then my black socks with my team logo on the top outside part.

I tucked in my jersey and went downstairs with my muddy cleats in my hand.

"Finally your done! Amber showered in te guset rooms shower.", Liam said.

I stuck my tounge out at him as Amber was walking out of the bathroom.

"Hey Am. You ready? I just need to put my cleats on and get a water bottle.", I said and she nodded.

"I'm ready and already packed both of our water bottles.", she said.

"Are you boys ready? Do you have hats and sunglasses?", I asked the boys and they each held up a hat and a pair of sunglasses.

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