This didn't go as planned

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Riley's POV

After Louis and I hung up, I laid in bed for about an hour and a half, and finally decided that I'm not going to sleep. I sit up and run my hands down my face. I get off the bed and open the door, heading down the stairs and into the living room.

'Why is the light still on?' I wonder to myself.

Turns out, mum must of had a case of insomnia because she's sitting on the couch, feet propped on the coffee table. She's half watching some soap opera show.

She must've heard me come down because her blonde head turns towards me.

"Couldn't sleep?" She asks. I shake my head. She pats the spot next to her on the couch and scoots over a tad.

I have a mini war whether to sit down or stand. I go with the first and plop down next to mum. My eyes stay glued to my lap.

She sighs, "you turned out beautiful ya know," she plays with a strand of my hair. When I don't respond, her hand gies to my shoulder.

"Don't touch me," I jerk away and stand up, my back facing her.

"Now, don't be that way," she clicks her tounge and I hear her footsteps patter up behind me.

I bow my head and sigh, "Why?"

"Why what love?" Her voice is laced with confusion.

"Why did you leave me? Why did you leave me with that monster?" I spit with gritted teeth. By now, I've turned around and I'm face to face with her.

Her blue eyes widen, and she winces and my strong tone.

When she speaks, her voice is soft, and quiet, "I'll tell you when your ready."

"When I'm ready?!" I screech, "don't you think ten damn years is long enough!"

She takes and step back. Her mouth opens, but she closes it.

"Riley, just go back to bed," She whispers.

"I want answers!" I shout.

"And you'll get them but just go to bed for now," her voice is low, and her eyes never meet mine.

By now, I'm fuming. Why won't she just give me what I came here for?

"Not until you tell me why you left," I point at her.

"You want to know why I left?! I keft because I couldn't handle a child! I couldn't take all the screaming and crying! I never wanted a kid! You were a mistake!" She screams.

That hits me like a ton of bricks. I was a mistake? They never planned me? Before she left, she told me they planned way ahead that they wanted a baby girl. But apperently, that wasn't true. She realizes what she said because she gasps, her small hand covering her mouth.

"Oh Riley, I didn't mean it I-"

"I was a mistake?" I whisper, tears falling freely.

"No no no, you have it all wrong. We planned you, it's just we weren't ready at the time you came," she says but I can tell she's lying.

"No! Stop with the lies! I'm done with you! I'm going home! The only place I can be where somebody will care for me," I push past her.

"You aren't going anywhere," She stomps up behind me. I'm running to my room. I slam the door. I grab a small purse that I brought and put my cell phone, headphones, gum, and some cash and zipped it shut. Mun is banging on the door, trying to get it unlocked.

I unlock it quickly and breeze past her skipping steps on ny way down. I swing open the front door and step out. I run down the road, looking back once to see mum standing in the doorway on her knees, sobbing.

I feel a pang of guilt, but that all fades away with anger.

I sprint for a while until I'm only surrounded by run-down steel buildings, and alleys. I head into an alley to catch my breath. After about two minutes, I can breathe clearly.

"Well well well, look who we have here," A voice speaks. I whip around.

A guy dressed in all black is standing with two others behind him. They are blocking the entrance to the alley.

"It's Rilyn Scott boys, Jim's kid," Another voice speaks from inside the alley. Three more guys show uo after this.

"Shit," I whisper.

"How do you know who I am?" I say with a wavering voice.

"Well, you see, your dad did some bad things and we were hired to keep his secrets. And well, he never payed the prize he promised so now, we have to take it," The first guy says, all men stepping closer and closer. I see now that each one has some sort of weapon. I gulp down the lump in my thriat and find my voice.

"W-what is t-the prize?" I speak. I don't even feel anything, just fear.

"You," the man says, "get 'er."

My breath hitches. They are getting closer until I get tackled from behind. My purse falls off in the process, scattering across the ground. I'm screaming and kicking, trying to get free but the tie back my arms and legs, and gag me. I'm crying and coughing just trying to wrap my head around it.

I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die.

Those words keep replaying in my head. Two guys pull ne up and carry me to a black SUV parked at the end of the alley. All of them pile in and then their off. I continue to struggle until one holds a cloth rab to my nose.

Instantly, I hold my breath. He chuckles darkly, and keans close to my ear, "either way your passing out,"

Eventually, I have to breathe and I suck in a breathe. Almost immetiatly, the drug gets to my lungs and I black out.


(Third person now, just for the rest of the chapter)

Back at her house, Julianne, Riley's mum, is pacing around the house. Riley stormed out four hours ago, where is she? More importantly, is she safe? Julie had already called the police and they are out searching for her missing daughter.

About another half hour of waiting there's a knock on the door. Julieanne races to the door, expecting Riley to run in. But alas, it is only a cop.

Without saying anything, he hands her a small item, Riley's purse.

"This is her purse. Where did you find it?" Julie asks the police officer.

"Outside an alley. We believe that your daughter has been kidnapped and we will set up and amber alert soon," the officer leaves with no more words.

Julieanne cries for so long until she hears an unfamiliar phone ring. She grabs Riley's phone and answers it.

"Riley?" Louis' voice comes through the speaker.

"N-no. This is her mum," Julianne stutters.

"Oh wel this is Louis her boyfriend. Could you put Riley on the phone please ma'am?" He asks.

"I c-can't. She-she's gone," another sob escapes the mothers mouth.

"Gone? What do you mean gone?" Louis asks, his voice worried.

"She's been kidnapped."

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