TAKEN: Part Two

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A/N: HEY GUYS! Okay, so it's late and I can't sleep so I figured why not update?! Haha, well I hope you like this chapter.

Sorry about any spelling errors I don't edit my chapters :p (Too lazy).

Mkayyy so enjoy this!

Izzy ;D



I rub my temples gently and press the phone against my ear as it buzzes. finally, it clicks and a voice says, "Hi, this is American Airlines. My name is Nicole how may I help you?"

I glance at the computer, "Yeah hi. I'm gonna need seven tickets to Chicago."

I hear some typing on the other line and I bite my lip, "We have that many avalible tickets for next Tuesday. It will also be a double flight so you'll have to stop in Boston and take another foight to Chicago. I can have you buy tickets for both flights now if you'd like."

I groan, "You don't have any earlier flights? I really need to get there as soon as possible," I scroll down the page on the laptop, glancing at different hotels to stay in.

"No we don't. I'm sorry for the inconvinience sir," The woman says sadly and I hear more typing on the other end.

I roll my eyes, "It's fine. I'll take the tickets for next week," I nod to myself and I notice Zayn walk into the kitchen, Perrie trailing behind him.

He raises an eyebrow at me and I hold up a finger as the woman replies, "Alright! Thank you so much sir. If you could give me a name and which airport you will go to I'll have the tickets sent there so all you have to do is pay and show ID when you get there."

"Put it under Louis Tomlinson," I say slowly and I hear silence for a second.

"You mean...the Louis from that one boy band?" She asks and I breathe out quietly.

"Yeah, that's me," I reply and Zayn grins, whispering something to Perrie, making her giggle. I flick him off and he shrugs.

"Alright. Nice speaking to you. What airport will you be heading to to fly from?" She asks nicely.

"We wil lbe going to the London Luton Airport," I reply, looking back at the computer. (A/N: I literally just looked up airports in London so it's a random airport)

I hear more typing and I sigh quietly, "Okay Mr. Tomlinson, the tickets have been sent to the airport. I hope you have a safe flight and it was nice talking with you." the woman says and I can practically feel her smiling.

I smile, "Thanks and it was nice talkig with you too. Bye." I say and hand up, setting my phone on the table.

Perrie looks at me, "Did you find tickets?"

I nod, "Yeah, but we don't go until next tuesday."

She presses her lips together, "That's too bad but at least it gives us enough time to plan and schedule things, yeah?"

Zayn sits down beside her, "It'll be alright mate, she'll be fine."


"How do you know?" Louis looks up at him with sad eyes. I feel my heart swell at the broken expression on his face.

I don't know Riley all too well but I do know that Louis loves her and she loves him. I know that he will do anything for her, just like I know Zayn would do for me.

When I told the other Little Mix girls about Riley and her situation, they all told me they were sorry for Lou and they came over for a short while to give hugs and visit.

I remember when we met Amber, Leigh-Anne leaned over to her and told her how when we find Riley, us six are going to have a girls only sleep over to really get to know each other.

It was the first and only time Amber smiled, and it made me happy knowing that she really cares for Riley.

I just hope that wherever Riley is, she's safe.


The sheets rustle slightly as I slowly sit on the grey duvet. I look at it and slowly run my hand across it, remembering how only a few nights ago, Riley was laying here.

'Oh how time flies,' I think to myself. I gently wipe under my eyes and sniffle quietly.

I hear a quiet knock on the door and I look up, "Come in."

Liam opens the door and looks sadly at me, his hair flat against his forehead. During the time Riley'sbeen gone, none of the boys have made the effort to do their hair, thus making them look different than usual.

I look at him, my vision becoming blurry from tears. I hear Liam sigh and he walks over to me, pulling me up. He wraps his arms around me and I rest my head on his shoulder, hugging him back.

He gently runs his hand through my hair, whispering quiet, soothing words to me.

"I miss h-her Li," I say, my voice shaking. I cling to Liam's shirt tightly and he rubs my back.

"I know, love. I'm sure she's fine," He moves so he's holding my head in his hands. He brushes a few stray tears away and smiles softly at me, "She's a strong girl, you know that. Riley's strong. We'll find her and bring her back. I promise."

I sniffle again, "What if s-she's hurt? She could be dying, or even dead," My lip quivers.

Liam shushes me and presses a sof kiss to my forehead, "We'll find her. One way or another."

To be continued...


OKAY Y'ALL SO THAT'S THE EPICALLY SHORT CHAPTER. I can't believe how this book has turned out and I really love writing this, even if I don't update a lot. I'm sorry about that by the way. Don't worry, this book is far from over!!! I also can't believe we are at chapter 18!! This is gonna be a long book and I'm already thinking about a sequel!!



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