Savin' styles

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Woke up laying on Louis' chest.

"Mornin' gorgeous.", a raspy voice said behind me.

I turned my head to look into his ocean blue-green eyes.

He smiled and kissed me.

I smiled into the kiss and pulled away.

"Hey!", I reply.

I snuggle up to him and his chest vibrates from him chuckling.

"What?", I ask with an eyebrow cocked.

"Your just so adorable in the morning.", Louis shrugs.

I blush and look down.

"Morning love birds!", Niall, Zayn, and Liam run downstairs with a sleepy looking Harry behind them.

I look at Louis and mouth, 'how do they know?'

She opens his arms to show our bodies.


I mentally facepalm and nod.

I hug the boys.

"Where's Amber?", I ask looking around.

"Right here!", Amber yells coming down the wooden staircase.

"Hey Am.", I say giving her a hug and she looks at me, then Louis and raises her eyebrows.

"So are you two, like, a thing?", She ask pointing a finger at both of us.

"Yes.", I say and Louis slips an arm around my waist and kisses my temple.

I heard lots of 'oohs' and 'awws' from the lads.

"We are going out for breakfast guys so go get dressed!", Liam says and claps his hands.

"Yes dad.", We reply.

I run up the stairs and into my closet.

I got a plain whote t-shirt, neon pink jean shorts with rips, and black suspenders. I grabbed my pink and black nike hightops and my phone and ran downstairs.

No one was there but a car alarm went off amd I opened te front door and laughed at the sight. Harry, Niall, and Louis were stuck in the door probably trying to get in the car. I laugh and they all turn around.

"Hey Riley!", They said in unison.

"Hey guys! Lets go before Liam blows his top!", I say before pushing them into the car and squeezing in.

Liam sighed before getting in the car. He started the engine and drove off.

Louis wrapped his arm around my shoulders and kissed my head lightly.

I smiled and snuggled into the crook of his neck.

"Awww.", I heard Amber mutter and I blushed and hid my face in Louis' neck.

Louis chuckled as we entered the resturant.

"We're here!", Liam says proudly, opening up his door.


After the waitress left with our orders three 'girls' came up after she left and puckered their 'lips' at Harry.

"Hey babe! Wanna leave these freaks and come with us?", The first one chirped. I bust out laughing.

The 'female' turns to me and frowns.

"Hmmm, looks like you didn't bother to get out of your hobo clothes this morning did ya?", She says and i put my hands over my ears to protect them.

"Could ya lower your voice? I'm trying not to go deaf.", I say and Louis, and Harry snicker.

The 'female' pulls me out of the booth and onto the floor.

"You listen here missy! You don't tell me to lower my voice! YOU SHUT UP!", she screeches amd I stand up and brush myself off.

By now everyone at our table and in the resturant are watching this exchange.

I hold up my finger in front of her face shushing her.

"No need to yell sweetheart. You'll strain your 'voice'", I put quotes around 'voice'.

Her face turned red and she lifted up her fist like she's going to punch me and out of my periphial (sp.?) vision I see Louis ready to hit her. I put my hand gently on top of Louis' and wink at him. He relax's finally relizing that this girl is no match for me.

She flies her fist towards my face and I side step to the left, away from the table and she darts past me. She turns on her heel and before I can turn she tackles me to the floor, gripping my wrists, digging her 'nails' into my flesh. I wince amd see a tiny amount of blood come out of two marks on one hand and one on the other.

I throw her off of me and stand up while she gets up facing the oppisite direction, and I take this chance to push her into a table which fortunatly has a big hotcake covered in whipped cream so her face smashes into it.

Her friends squeal and help the chick get her face out of the warm cake. I burst out laughing along with everyone else.

Once the girl is up and cleaned she glares at me before cursing under her breath before stomping out of the breakfast place and not looking back.

Once everyone's laughter calmed down we paid for our breakfast and left the resturant into the warm air outside.


Once we were home I ran out of the car very quickly. Louis was hot on my heels.

I skidded to a stop and unlocked the front door. After unlocking it I stepped inside and closed the door behind Louis and I.

"Hey Ri?", Louis asked and I turned my head to look at those eyes that make my heart melt and my stomach flutter everytime I look into them.

"Yeah?", I asked.

"I love you.", Louis says and steps closer to me until I feel his hot breath on my face.

"I love you too Louis.", I say with a smile and peck him on the lips but jumping slightly at the sound of my cell phone ringing.

It wa from an unknown number.

"Hello?", I said uneasily.

"Hey sweetheart.", A voice came from the other end. I froze as I reconized te voice.




Okay, so I left a cliffy, just for you and I have a favor to ask all of my lovely readers.

Will you guys please comment more? I need to know how my story is from some people so please please please comment more. Thats all I ask.

Love you guys.

Until next time,


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