Chapter one

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Note- Sorry it isn't fully edited I thought I finished it 😭

4 years later
day- Monday January 14th of 2018
Time- 5 am
Year- 2018
Annabelle pov
I sighed as I woke up from my short sleep and get to work making breakfast usually Mr Barnes was up first to go on a run then the Twins and then the others wake up after I make the usual breakfast for everybody and got coffee on the pot and make myself a tea as I grabbed my laptop and check the schedule I look at it and saw there was a tour on.. But no tour guide? Odd. I then see there was no meetings but pepper asked me to organize the files I had them with me today so I get to work my work playlist going on as I worked I read some files and then put them in a basket where I would take them down.. I'm the assistant for the avengers but I was also their soulmate u can block the bond from your mates so I did block it so I wouldn't be hurt anymore I glance up hearing chattering "keel it down Mr stark." I tell my boss mindlessly as I worked a intern came up n said "miss black im so sorry to bother u but the intern that was going to take the tour is sick do u mind taking over the tour?" I sighed "what school is it.." I say tiredly and Pietro said "cancel it. She is way too tired to take it"
"Mr maximoff with all due respect this is my job" I yawned tiredly I check my schedule and frown noticing I had a meeting.. With the Avengers.. And shield.. Goddamn it
"Avengers we have a meeting with the director of Shield now so go get ready Nice clothes for the gods sake" I tell putting a glare on Pietro and Tony knowing they were the most difficult with suits I go up to my room and rub my head tiredly feeling a headache coming on as I changed into my work dress for meetings making sure it wasn't too short I changed my hair making it a few inches longer and magically braiding it before I walk downstairs and sighed seeing the boys ties were tied wrong mindlessly I go to Tony and slap his hands away before I tie his tie expertly I then go to Bucky doing the same and then Peter and Pietro and of course loki and Thor and then Clint Pietro said "why do we have to wear this again?"
"Cause it's a meeting with the director of shield Mr maximoff." I grumbled feeling my temper rise but I reign it in as wanda said "we ready to go?"  I nodded and I guide us to the meeting room I enter and see Nicholas fury I nod in respect as we had to act like we didn't know each other
I sat next to Pietro and take notes as Nick says "Miss Black nice to see u how are the reports going?" I hand him the files and he smiled proudly "We got them done took me awhile but we did it. Anything else Shield needs?" I asked well playing with my ring I had on my finger he smiles at me and said "no but how much sleep has u gotten today?"
"5?" he huffed n said "Friday?" Friday replied "Miss Black has gotten 4 hours of sleep this week Sir." I glared at the camera betrayed as he says "Black we talked about this! God damn it!" "Fury- I mean agent fury with all due respect I'm fine. I'm alive aren't I?" he says "Not the point last time u did this u went into hospital for a year and that was when u were pregnant!" I turned deadly pale at his words "get out." I say standing up my eyes flaring he asks "what?"
"Get out. U may be the boss of my bosses but I will not have u revealing my personal life to them!" he says "Anna-" "no. Out. I don't wanna hear it." he sighs packing up his stuff as he says "I will call stark for any schedule plans." he left and I drop to the chair exhausted as Pietro says "u have a child?" "yes I do her dad isn't around so it's just me raising her." I rubbed my head and loki says "u got a headache miss black?" in a polite manner "I always have a headache Mr odinson" I reply back remaining polite even if I was exhausted Wanda said "Go take a nap we need to talk later" I sighed "alright" I walk out to go take a nap
4 hours later (it was 7 am when they had the meeting so do the math bc I'm not doing it yall)
I wake up from a nightmare and hear moaning.. god damn it.. i head downstairs and see my mates fucking eachother.. I blushed and sneak back upstairs feeling turned on but i hadn't had a date since I was cheated on so I didn't bother I text Wade 'hey Wade u up to go out for dinner bosses are sorta fucking each other rn and need to get out it's like a bloody porn movie"  he replies "sure sweetie wear something cute yeah?" I chuckled and reply "of course" before I go back downstairs "ahem" I clear my throat and they paused everything I don't look at them keeping my eyes raised to meet Loki's as he was the one nearest "I am going out tonight. And for the love of the gods please take this to the bedroom. This is not ur porn room u idiots" I say sassily as Clint said "Sorry we thought u were asleep where are u going?" "Going on a date with a friend it isn't romantic I just need to get out of this building" Loki said "a date? Why" "I don't love my soulmates firstly because one cheated on me when I went to tell him I was pregnant with our daughter. And the other Let him. So If u don't mind I am going. Miss maximoff we will talk tomorrow when u can walk again" I chuckled seeing Wanda tied i hadn't subbed to them before as we were still getting to know eachother but I knew Wanda was a switch as was Pietro I smile at Loki before I get a text saying Wade was here "right gotta go my ride is here." A hand grabs me and I turn and see Pietro I noticed everyone was now dressed and cleaned up
I sighed "yes mr maximoff." I say keeping my composure even though it pained me to look my mates in the eyes
Pietro said "Don't leave please.."
"it's just a date it's not like I'm fucking him" I hear the elevator ding and turned slightly and Wade came out his eyes hardened seeing me being held by Pietro
"Wade I'm fine. No biggie" Wade said "it looks like u are being held against ur will princess" I rolled my eyes "They just being dramatic now will u please tell them we are not fucking tonight?" Wade turns to my mates n says "I am not fucking her tonight. She needs a night out." They hesitated and I huffed "Ok Wade how about we do the usual?" His eyes lit up and he says "movie mathron?" I smiled at his kid like excitement and reply "sure they gonna be busy" I say glaring at my bosses as Pietro lets me go I was instantly pulled into wades arms his arms around my shoulders keeping me close I hear growls and instinctively tense up Wade noticed and said "oi calm down u assholes u scaring her for god sake." "Wade can roof.." I stutter and Wade said "sure come on. U all be good" he warns my mates before going to the elevator and taking me to the roof.

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