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Hands wrap around my waist and I see Pietro as I shift slightly "Mr maximoff please let me go." I tell him trying to wiggle out but he grips me tighter as he says "No princessa tell us what's wrong" I froze at the nickname and tense his hands loosened and I quickly take off again the others and Pietro follow I stop as Loki teleports in front of me "damn it-" I say seeing they cornered me... "Why won't u idiots let me go damn it!" I say getting upset and Wanda says "Because u are hiding something from us" I take a sharp breath "And what do u think that is Dekta?" I say her nickname slipping  off without me noticing she says "soulmates." I froze at her words... "I don't have soulmates dekta-" I lied but Loki said "Even if I was ur boss I can still tell lies kitten" I suck a sharp breath in trying to control myself I glance up at the now dark sky and sighed reminding myself I'm ok they won't hurt me.. probably? anyway, I zone back Into arguing. Wanda and Tony were arguing about something  Bucky and Loki were arguing about monkeys Thor and Clint Natasha and Pietro of course Peter was looking nervous for some reason. I sighed "EVERYBODY SHUT THE FUCK UP" I yelled as they go quiet I reign in my control "All of u shut up. We are leaving." I say firmly my temper raised as I drag the Avengers off to an apartment I owned they stayed quiet and I kept quiet as well keeping my eyes alert as we entered the bad part of the neighbourhood where I lived.. well where I 'live' i don't actually live here but in case I get caught and I go home here and they follow me.. it keeps the others safe as well." As we entered the house I whistled "Chloe! Gracie! Pepsi! Molly!" 4 large huskies came running and I poured their food "Hey girls here u go," I said stroking their coats and they smiled at me "Sit" I instructed to the Avengers my gentle appearance disappearing as I said it I kept quiet and then see Pietro reaching for a book... I turned red before quickly saying "ACCIO" and the book shot into my hand I sighed in relief "So.." I say awkwardly not sure how to explain... Wanda said, "Can u take it off.." I tilt my head cutely questioning she blushes as she says "The glamour. We can feel it" I smiled "Alright sure I guess" I said not feeling ready to reveal myself as I was still working for them.. I take my glamour off revealing my black and white hair my blue eyes And my paler skin. I get a call I glance at it and see my teenager's number... I realised I was late and answer
"hey sweetie I'm sorry I'm late I got caught up talking to the bosses," I say quickly and place her on speaker
Natalie the oldest of 15 years said "No problem. U giving them a chance yet?" I sighed "I'm not sure yet.. but maybe?" As Natalie said, "u know u miss him Mom Don't ya think The youngest girls should get a chance to know their dad?" I smiled sadly at the thought of Mary and her sister... "Yeah I guess so., listen I'm currently in the safe house so do u mind if we come over and stay well we talk?" She hesitated and I sensed it "Hey Nat it's fine if u aren't ready to see them yet darl" She replies "Do u mind taking them back to the tower I don't think anybody is ready to meet the boy who broke ur heart mom.." I sighed "No problem darling have fun" I said hanging up "Come on then" I said transporting us to the lounge or that's where I wanted to go but I ended up landing on the large bed with them I sighed taking a breath before saying "really aunty?" To the roof, I chuckled cheekily "Sorry about that uh guys.." I blushed getting up but Pietro pulled me down "Piet-" Pietro said "Talk tomorrow.. want to hug..' I sighed letting him cuddle with me as Wanda laid down next to us the others did the same I felt my body relax but I couldn't sleep..
2 hours later now 2 am
It has been 2 hours and everybody is asleep... I should be ok to sneak out to go see Artemis now... I think softly replacing myself with a pillow quietly As I slip out of the bed sneakily used to this from my ex I hear a throat clear and see Natasha and Clint awake I grunt quietly "Shh" I tell them quietly and Clint says in a whisper "do we get a pillow too?" I smile at his cuteness before passing them two pillows I head to the window and Natasha follows and she asks "u aren't jumping are ya?" I smiled weakly "Nope.. come on Clint u comin'?" I asked quietly and he nodded climbing out of bed as well I opened the window wider "Trust me?" I asked them and they both nodded without hesitation I leapt and Natasha gasped quietly as I did... I land on the roof and catch Natasha and then Clint As they go down I hug them close to me as we head up higher on the roof "Artemis?" I muttered and the goddess appeared and said "Ohh my goodness you trust  them in! Aphrodite will be so happy!" I chuckle at his excitement "Clint, Natasha, this is Artemis the goddess of the moon and my sister" Artemis said "Pleasure to meet u, Mr Barton. Miss Romanoff." I smiled at her greetings and we sat down talking together I was sketching well my sister got to know my mates I hummed "I'm gonna send a flood.. drown them out. I'm brave bruised.. I'm who Im meant to be... Lookout. Here I come" "I'm not scared to be seen.. I make no apologies" Artemis got up and we danced together I had a camera taking photos "Another round of books.. Fly away...We are warriors.. I won't let them break me. I know there's a place. when the sharpest words cut me down I'm gonna send the flood. Drown the...out. I am brave.. I am bruised I am who I'm meant to be.. this is me" I suddenly paused and checked the time.. it was 5:58 I gestured to my mates it was time to go "Artemis we'll see u soon" I promise my sister and she nods cursteying to my mates before she disappears in golden mist I help the others down before I jump in with them I land and we see the others were awake.. shitt "Nope goodbye" I say going out the window but Natasha catch's me n says "No u don't" I chuckled "we fine see? We alive.. wait Nat are we alive" She pinches me I squeaked "damn it nattie!" I laughed feeling at home.. I shake my head sighing Loki spoke up now "Where were u?" "On the roof?" I say cautiousDid
Pietro says "did u go see someone?"
thor says "was the whole running away act a Plan?"
I slap my forehead growling "Oh of course! I would go on a fucking roof to go see someone ITS NOT LIKE NATASHA AND CLINT WERE WITH ME! U IMBECILES" I say angrily I hear a voice in my head 'calm down Daughter u will be ok' I sighed Taking a sharp breath "Excuse me I need to go shower.. Natasha and Clint thank u for coming with me.." I say gently before going to go shower Pietro stops me from going further I sigh "I don't have time for this Pietro. Get out my way" he says "No! We need to talk!"
"WE WILL TALK AFTER I HAVE A DAMN SHOWER!" I yelled suddenly lashing out I reigned my powers in Clint and said "Pietro let her go have a shower."  "No need. I'm done" I say walking out everybody goes to follow As I head downstairs I put on a huffy face "Mary love we leaving" I call to my daughter and she gets up n says "Where are we going is dad gonna be there?' I glanced at Pietro "no ur dad isn't coming momma needs a break. We are going home"
Natasha says "Anna don't leave please..."
Clint says "Let us talk it out please?"
Thor spoke, "My queen I'm so sorry I overreacted.."
"Mary im calling Uncle Leo u go with him and I'll let u know what is happening ok" She nods and I whistle a boy comes up to the window flies in and takes Mary before leaving
Mind- Poseidon give me strength.."
Thor says "Who did u see."
I huffed feeling like I was being questioned by cops.. Again
I remain calm but anybody could see my anger "I went onto the roof to meet with a friend. a friend. That is all." loki said "She lies" goddamn it. "I swear to motherfucking God.." Clint held me by the waist keeping me calm
Peter says "Anna please understand we are just worried about your safety" I sighed softly "we don't romantically know each other. Minus Pietro and wanda none of u have the right to know my personal life right now.." remaining calm..
Wanda said, "Then will u tell us who u saw?" I sighed
"No. Not right now.. I need to" I froze as I heard lighting..
"Good to know I have ur approval old man" I yelled at the sky and thunder struck again I chuckled waving it off
"I went to see my sister. Ask Clint and Natasha for the rest I need a break."

Avengers soulmate - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now