Act two 5

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As we arrived at the olympance I kept my mates calm sending calming vibes through the bond Aphrodite guided us to the Room where the gods and goddesses met as she opened the door all of them stood up for me even Zeus
I kept Loki and Thor closer feeling the anger Zeus had
"They are my mates u hurt them I rip ur head." I warn my uncle and he calms down I smile at my father and then said "Sit." everybody sat including my mates
"Aphrodite summoned us here u have my permission to take the court." I sat down beside my mates on a throne larger than the rest my mates had smaller ones and I pulled Peter onto my lap as Aphrodite said "Poseidon. Hades how are the plans for her ex going?" Poseidon sat up and said "It's good he has been sent to the underworld" Hades said "He is in Tarataurus and Her Sisters are torturing him"
Aphrodite said "Hera. Do u feel it?" Hera nods glancing at my mates with happiness
"Guys we didn't have to come up here just so they could get trialled!" I say trying to keep calm Poseidon said "u are the future Queen of olympance. And The future Queen of the underworld And the sea. We have a right to test our mates."
"Dadd.." he said "Nope be glad I didn't bring ur mother."
I blushed and said
"Hades can we go to the underworld?" I turn to my godfather and he says "u doing it?" I nodded and his eyes lit up as he said "Of course! I will tell Persephone to open the portal!" I chuckle at his excitement and kiss Peter softly chuckling at the others who look deeply confused
hades said, "Remember the devil doesn't bargain."
"I know u don't want to let go." I said our promise back
I stood up and said "Pleasure seeing u all again. Hades can u transport us?" I asked the god and he nodded excited for myself I grabbed my mates and grabbed onto Hades the others held onto me and we were transported to the underworld
"Come on" I tell them softly n say to Hades "Where are they?"  Hades said "Good place." I nodded and I sped my walk up as I hung onto my mates my legs bouncing excitedly.. we get to the open flower field of a good place (I don't know the proper term) And then I call out
"ATTENTION" all eyes turn to me
"is Maria stark, Django Maximoff, Mary maximoff,Richard Parker,Mary parker Here?"  3 ladies stand up and turn to me As did Django and Richard
I pass the papers over
richard said "we agree to ur terms. We can see u love our son." Maria said "Me too. U clearly love him."
I smiled softly the. Turn to the twins parents
mary said "Personally I want to kill Pietro for hurting u but yes. I will agree if my husband agrees." I turn to Django
he says "do u love them?"
"I do with my whole being. I would die for them." I say softly and he looks shocked and I chuckle "Don't look so surprised Mr. Maximoff." He says "u would die for them?"
"of course. Any person who loves the twins would and they would be very lucky to have the twins."  He says "Then I give u permission."
I smiled softly "It's a pleasure seeing u all again-"
bellatrix said "Sister?" I turn to Bella.. tears in my eyes she looks at me and sees my mates behind me as she says "Do u love them?" I smile slightly st my older sister "Yes I do. They saved me." I knew my mates were confused but Bellatrix smiled and said "Then I approve.. now I believe someone was waiting for u?"
as she says that a large black stallion came rushing...
salazar godric Rowena and Helga on top of his back..
the stallion pulls to a stop as he lets the founders dismount
I bowed and Salazar said "No need to bow ur majesty.. how is everything?" I smile slightly and lean against Tony finding comfort in the taller male "Doing ok.. been hard with everything can't seem to catch a break.." he says "so u thinking of ya know?" I turn red
"maybe. im not sure" Rowena squeals and said "OH MY GODD MY FAVOURITE BABY IS GETTING MARRIED-"
"Rowena" I whined at my mentor and she laughed n said "so u finally found them? U trust them?"
"I feel like we should leave now"
godric said "no answer the questions!"
"yes I trust them.. sort of. And well of course I fucking found them!" Here I got pinched in warning
Helga said "she's right I can feel the love coming off of them.. including the redhead"
"Helga. There are two redheads?" She points at Wanda and Natasha with a smirk
"Helga No." Helga said "Helga yes,"
"god why are u so stubborn!" Helga said "why won't u admit u want to marry them?" I turned red
"That was a secret u babbling Baffin!" Sirius bursts out laughing and I see Mcgongall come up..
behind her was the knights of the Roundtable.
i lock eyes with Lancelot and he opens his arms..
I hesitated turning to face my mates Pietro nodded discreetly and I sped towards my best friends crying as I tackle them to a hug Gwaine picks me up and swirls me around and then hugs me and passes me to Percy I hug him tightly and then I was passed to Lancelot and the others I hug them all eagerely
"I missed u guys so much" I cried softly as my best friends took me to my mates
"god I missed u guys.." Lancelot said "we missed u too squirt" I smile at the nickname
"is Arthur here?' As if on cue the royal prat came and said "u missed me darlin?" Ignoring the possible growls from my mates I launch myself at him hugging him
"U IDIOT U DONT DIE FOR ME" I smack him repeatedly
arthur said "god damn it women calm down! Damn!"
"ARTHUR PENDRAGON DO NOT TELL ME TO CALM DOWN. U SACRIFICED URSELF FOR ME U DONT DO THAT WHEN UR BEST FRIEND IS CURSED TO LIVE FOREVER!" I broke down into tears as my best friend hugs me passing me to Pietro and Wanda who sat down and started singing softly
"one thousand years ago this story starts. There were four sorcers with wise and strong hearts. Gryffindor from London ravenclaw from Texas And Helga from Gracefield.. they had a dream To teach all they knew witches and wizards came far and true. To the castle stand tall.. the castle remains.. and a thousand years later the magic remains"
regulus said "ohh sorting hat.. sing us a song speak in our head.."
bellatrix "And when things look bad reunite the houses and we will fight as one.."
Persephone sang "brave godric Gryffindor favoured the strong. The ones with dumb brains. Rowena taught the best. So Helga would take the best.l but a leader of the light told stories of Salazar.. saying he hated muggleborns"
sirius "And so they planned a heir.."
andromeda "Ohh sorting hat sing us a song. Speak in my head tell us where we belong.. and when things look bad reunite the houses"
all my siblings "and we will fight as one!"
alice sang "mm.. and we will fight as one. Ohh old sorting hat sing us a song.l speak in our head tell us where we belong.. and when things look bad?"
persephone and Pietro "unite the houses and we will fight as one" as the song trails i kiss my two mates gently and got up as I see my godmother
"Persephone.." I hesitated to hug her
she said "go ahead love" I jump onto the goddess of spring and hug her "thank u.. thank u.. thank u"
she said "No worries my darling.. how about u go explain to ur mates over there? The underworld will always be open for u and ur mates princess"
"Thank u for being there.." I cros my arms into a x and she did the same as I say "we go reunited in the underworld as we do life" she says "we will meet again my goddess" I smiled softly tears in my eyes.. I turn and see Wanda and Pietro talking to their parents Tony talking to his.. the others hang out with them too.. they were happy
"excuse me for one minute" I muttered wandering deeper to see if I can find him I sensed Natasha and Wanda following me which worked out perfectly well As I wanted to talk to them about next year after all it was A day before Christmas Eve I looked around and my heart drops realising he wasn't here.. I wiped my teary eyes and  let out a loud whistle.. it echos as we walked back I whistle again I wait as we arrive back at my mates Wanda wraps a hand around me feeling my emotions as i waited I whistle one last time..
this time a whistle responded..
I whistle again adding two higher and two lower notes into it. A whistle responded and I waited..
waiting.. waiting some more. And Finnally a tall woman came rushing up to me..
"Katniss everdeen." I greeted with polite respect hearing Clint's gasps with it of course.
katnis spoke "Mother of dragons Mockingjay. Leader of the night.. we greet u." She does the classic sign and Wanda kept Clint's hand down as I did it back
"u gonna give ur sis a hug or what" she hugs me tightly as she says "u are safe with them.."
"but it won't last forever u and I both know that.. after all We can't live forever.." katniss said "ask them. If Thanatos can do something about it.. then they can still visit ur future kids and stuff."
"I'm not asking Thanatos.. I don't want them to be cursed with the life i live Kat.."
Pietro said "We'll talk when we get out of this place princessa" I nodded silently
"I need to visit one more person.." Persephone who had stayed to talk to the Parker's looked at me worriedly
"I have to do this Persephone.." she nods and guided us out i hug everybody and the others hug their respectful parents

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