Act three chapter three - clint smut part one

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AN- Went overboard so this is part one of Clint smut next would be the actual smut

Delia's POV
I sighed as I get up from my desk and go downstairs locking my room behind me my mates were on a mission and I was scared.. It was Hydra and I knew how Bucky reacted to Hydra.. I shudder shaking my head
I had a earpiece for them incase they needed me on fury's orders "u guys ok?" I say softly hearing them yelling
Loki replies "yes love we fine- Uh guys we just found a child?" I gasped "What is she doing?" I asked him knowing the program was still running loki said "Shes doing sign language and.. I don't know it?" I let out a sob "ok Clint u listening here?" I tell my other mate "head to Loki I'm on my way" loki said "Woah wait what NO" Thor said "I agree with my brother my queen u cant come" I silence them "shut up u idiots. Clint and Natasha know sign lanague and I have hearing aids." I teleport to them quickly
I grab the hearing aids ducking through guards as we get to the room "right Hi guys" I say ignoring their glares as our other mates join us I signed 'hello darling do u mind telling me ur name? My name is Delia' she signs back "they call me 567.. I'm sorry miss I don't know my real name" I cover my mouth tears in my eyes as I realised who she was.. I sign back 'thats ok u want to see something cool?' she nods excitedly and I push everyone else behind me as I open my hand to reveal a blue butterfly I noticed the chains and hummed softly as my eyes glow gold and they broke
I sign "any injuries?" she nods signing "arm is broken got some infected wounds on back" I nodded trying to calm myself down.. Then Natasha said "darling we have to go-" I shake my head not willing to leave her.. As I sign "is there anyone else that u know here?" she nods n signed "My little brother 3 rooms down his room is much more guarded then mine.." I nodded I sign "ok don't worry do u trust me?" she nods and signs "it feels like I know u.." I smile slightly and then sign "I'm gonna hand u to wanda maximoff.. She's the redhead who's being held by the blond Ok she will look after u I promise." she nods and signs "thank u.. Emerys" I suck a breath in realising she knew who I was.. I turn to my mates "wanda I need u to carry her out. The rest of u go with her. I need to get her brother" the girl signs "wait there's.. 5 more girls.. In what they call the red room?" I cover my mouth my fury showing "Alright don't worry I'll get them out." I signed and she signs back "promise?" I sign "knights Honour." she smiles at me and I gently pick her up passing her to wanda "u guys need to go. Now." Natasha said "not without u!" I glared hard at my female mate so hard she flinch back "Listen Nat I love u all. But right now my priority is getting these kids out because they deserve the childhood I never got. And the childhood u and Yelena never got. Now I'll be back at the Jet in 30 if Im not. Leave." Clint says "U can't be serious!" I glared "I am serious."
Tony said "let me come with please-" I shake my head "U can't. No one can be in here when I do this.. Trust me." Clint says "we aren't leaving u!" my eyes glowed "leave. Please." Pietro said "u cant carry 6 children on ur own"
"I did it once and I can do it again.." I shake my head "we don't have time for this.. I'm sorry" I built a large water wave pushing them all out I still had the earpiece so they could hear me and I could hear them. They were yelling at me.. I ignored it as I turn invisible sneaking to the boys room.. I knock out the guards with a quick pressure point and then enter I see the boy "hello shh its ok I'm not with them I'm Delia ur sister is safe I'm here to rescue u do u have any Injuries?" I asked and he replied "no.. Are u sure my sister is safe?" I nodded and said "knights honour." I slowly pick him up and I say "now I'm gonna teleport u to my mates" I radio my mates "Oi asshats calm down u have incoming" I teleport the boy and ignore their questions as I rush to the girls I enter the room and all eyes turn to me I put a finger to my mouth and they nod discreetly as I head to their trainer I knock her out and I say "hello girls don't worry we are safe now do u have any injuries?" a blonde girl said "Amelia the redhead has a broken leg" I nodded and bent down to the redhead my heart shattering for these girls.. "Hey its ok I'm gonna Heal u but this is gonna hurt slot as if it doesn't heal properly I will have to break it again so can one of ur friends hold u down?" I asked gently and Amelia says "rose and Lilac" I nodded gesturing to the two girls as they hold her down the two girls whisper reassurances.. Soulmates I realised after a bit then say
"One two three" I Channel my magic into the bone repairing it slowly and then wrap it so it would heal properly I count 10 minutes in my head after it passed I unwrap her leg helping her up her soulmates holding her waist "all better" I smiled softly "now come on lets get out of here" I turn us all invisible they could see outlines of each girl As we walked out sneaking past guards and security with ease we get to the jet and I rush in "Jarvis take us to the air!" as I release my spell the jet was raised and we were in the air I grab a bow and arrow and open a window "wanda come hold me" I mutter to my female mate ignoring the glares of my other mates she holds me up with her magic as I shoot at the base and I smirk victoriously as it exploded I lean back onto my female mate grip closing the window and pocketing my bow and arrow "thanks darlin" I say my French accent coming out as I kiss her gently and chuckled as I see the girls doing gross faces "alright all of u go sit down" I instructed kindly to the girls raged age 6 to 12 my heart broke for these girls they all sit down I noticed lilac rose and Amelia sat next to each other I smiled slightly.. remembering the times I would comfort my daughter well in hydra.. I don't talk to my mates then I hear a panic yell I stood up and see lighting.. shit.. Zeus is angry we in his sky.. "Ok kids!" I turn to them and they look at me "I know we just met and we just rescued u but I need u to trust me on this ok? Girls come line up" I tell them my voice hiding my panic but I knew my mates felt it.. they lined up "alright" I sighed and said "one two three." I push them all off and then push my mates and the other two off my wings open as I catch them all "We fine!" I call up to them balancing us
I whistled "RAVEN" I yelled and a black Pegasus came flying behind her was a large dragon "guys hop on" I say my mates go on raven the kids on the dragon I fly beside them we drift to the tower making a quick stop to my own house where my Adoptive daughter welcomes the new girls and nods to me and my mates not making conversation I fly us home and enter through the window I stretch my wings fluttering them slightly before they disappear fading I felt the glares of my mates but paid no mind to them as I phone my contract "Hello Sir Have u planned everything out?"
"u idiot! I wanted it in Greek not Australia!"
"Fine fine. Yes it will be soon.. Hopefully they will say yes?"
"How are the kids? Good good" I smile softly making talk with my friend with ease "yes I warned Yelena and I'm not sure if Natasha will take the potion or not" I sensed the harder glares and sighed "I have to go my mates are mad at me right now we may have to Plan it another day.. Uhh I'm free tomorrow? U wanna meet at the cafe? That's fine thank u yes yes Love u" I chuckled hanging up then I turn to my mates and quite literally flinch seeing their anger..
Clint said "WHAT ON EARTH WERE U THINKING?! U DONT FOLLOW US INTO A HYDRA BASE!" my eyes hardened and I blanked my face "I won't let my mates die! It's hard enough I see the fucking future!" my temper rises my eyes glowing but I pushed it down not willing to risk them yet
"I followed u into the Hydra base because that girl I rescued? Was My Sister. My adoptive sister. My parents adopted a sister when she was 3 months old when she was 6 months she disappeared. We hoped She would come back but she never did we planned a fucking funeral and everything. Now no one bother me I don't give a Fuck if someone is dying." I storm upstairs but Pietro sped in front of me and says "we are not done!" grabbing me and pulling me downstairs I growled feeling my powers rise more but I push it down "move out my way before I do something I regret Maximoff." I spat his last name and he flinched
I felt a ghostly presence behind me and Lean back as my aunt appears.. "Thanks Persephone.." I mutter leaning into her body relaxing as my aunt plays with my hair watching my mates with sharp eyes as she spoke "we all felt it u sure u ok to finish planning?" I chuckle "of course We don't want aphriodate to buy a fudging mansion now do we?" she smirks at me and says "I mean that wouldn't be so bad.."
"And hear u and Hades fucking? No thanks!" she blushed
Tony says "who's the girl?" our eyes hardened
"She is Persephone the goddess of springs and My aunt. Respect her Tony or u can say goodbye to the future"
Persephone said "Arthur says hello Hades will allow them to visit u on the day and help u prepare" my eyes softened knowing Gwen was meant to help me get everything planned together but she passed away before I could meet a boy I trusted "thank u Persephone u can go ill be ok" I tell the female softly leaning up and kissing her cheek I hear the growls from my mates who were silent well watching the interaction and Persephone kissed my head before stepping back and disappearing into the shadows I smile softly "God that goddess loves him." I chuckled softly and felt hands wrap around my waist I tense realising it was Clint I snuck under his grip easily flipping him over me gently placing him down as I walk upstairs Clint said "aren't we gonna talk about whatever u hiding?"
"Its not exactly a secret Mr Barton." I say softly but my voice held a certain iciness.. His eyes softened as he says "Babygirl u are our mate there is no Mr" I roll my eyes
"Come upstairs then" I tell him watching my other mates who got up and Natasha spoke "can we come too?" I nodded without hesitation knowing I can trust them sort of..  We walk upstairs and I tap the passcode in easily letting my mates inside "come on" I say walking to my desk opening the draw with the rings in I didn't notice as I pull out the plans for the party Clint said "hun are those rings?" I looked realising they saw the rings I blushed closing the draw "yeah planning a friends wedding" I lied and glare at loki daring him to speak up about the lie
I hummed softly as I open my planner pulling out the plans for the girl's dresses and the boys suits I grab the fabric thor and Lokis mother lended us and I hummed softly as I cut out the pieces Natasha came behind me watching me as I worked I smiled softly as my other mates follow her lead "right that's His suit done.." I say a hour later finishing off one suit "there's what... 7 more to go" I chuckled softly I look up as I hear the vents open a voice calls out "Miss Black?" I call back my voice soft "Come on down Selena they fine to be here!" the goddess flew down her purple eyes showing as she curstied to me and I nod back respectfully before she says "so! Have u told them yet? U got the parents permission right?" I chuckled "no I havent told them And yes they all approve of me and signed it" her face lit up and she squeals and I laughed "God u worst then ur mother!" she gasps and says "BETRAYALLLL" in the worst acting voice ever our faces scrunch up and I hear Clint aww behind me "God please no We do not need another war this year" she chuckles n said "So ur grandfather is dead."
"So is urs" I argued and she chuckles at me as she says "my grandfather didn't try to kill me and my 3 year old daughter did he?" I cover my mouth as she says those words my mates didn't know and I felt the anger they felt "Selena darling can u go I need to talk to my mates" she nods bowing and I nodded back as she left I sighed "u guys are mad aren't u" Bucky spoke his voice dark "Yes darling we are mad u went into a hydra base Willingly and then u hide a daughter from us? Who is her father!" my eyes softened
"Pietro." I say softly and he said "how we didn't finish the bond yet?" I smiled sadly at my mate "depending on who Uhm.. Cums inside of me I can hold it for many years when my body felt I was in danger it put that to use therefore making me pregnant and me giving birth alone." I kiss him softly "u wanna meet her?" I asked quietly and they all nodded nervous to meet my daughter I stood up straightening my back "verbal response dears." my voice held a wave of dominance and they say in creepy unison "Yes we would like to meet our daughter" I smiled softly my eyes meeting natasha's as I see her tear up "Can u guys give us a minute? Natasha stay please" I say softly as the others exit and I pull my mate in "Shh sweetie its ok my darling" I calm her softly I start singing "just stop ur crying its a sign of the times.. Welcome to the final show.. Hope u wearing ur best clothes.. U can't bribe the door on the way to the sky.. U looked beautiful here.. We never learn we been here before.. Why we always stuck running.. We never learn we been here before.. Why we always stuck running.. Just stop ur Tears. We gotta get away.. We gotta get away.. They told me the end is near.. Just stop ur tears my darling.. Breaking through the amethyst everything looks amazing.. Remember everything will be ok.. We will meet again.. We never learn we been here before.. Why we always stuck running.. We never learn we been here.. Just stop ur tears.. It's a sign of the times.. We gotta get away from here.. We gotta get away.. Stop ur crying baby it will be ok.. They told me the ending was near.. We never learn we been here before.. Stuck running.. We never learn we been here before.. We don't talk enough.. We should of opened up.. Before it was too much.. Will we ever learn.. We been here before.. Stop ur crying baby we gotta get away.. We gotta get away.. Will we ever learn we been here before.." the song trails and I wrap my hands around Natasha's waist my mate had stopped crying awhile ago just giving little sniffles now so I start a new song "lets get out of this building drive out the city.. Heaven can't help us now.. Nothing lasts forever.. U are so beautiful.. I can see the end as it begins.. One condition is say u remember me.. Staring at u in the sunset.. Even if it's in the wildest dreams.. I said no one has to know what we did.. Ur voice is a famillar sound.. U are so beautiful.. And when we had our last kiss.. Our last request is say u remember me.. Staring at u in the sunset.. Even if it's in ur wildest dreams.. Wildest dreams.. U see in highlight burning it down.. Someday when we leave our memories would spread around.. Burning it down.. Say u remember me.. Staring at u in the sunset red lips rosy lips.. Say u will see me again even if it's pretend. Say u will remember me...
Even if it's in ur wildest dreams.. Just in ur wildest dreams.. In ur wildest dreams..." she calms down and I hug her dipping her down and she squeals as I kiss her she smiled softly and said "but I can't have kids so none of urs or wanda's kids would be biologically mine.."
"I have a potion that can fix it but u will be asleep for a week.. And it will hurt it will be like u a virgin again I can bring it up with the others" she nods and says "ill do it if they on board" I smiled softly "otherwise there's a spell that can make wanda's kids and my own urs aswell.." I kiss my mate one more time before we walk out Natasha had a smile on her face now.. And I was happy for her.
We walk to the nursery and see our mates standing outside the door and I chuckled realising it was locked "Friday unlock door Silent mode activate" the door clicks and slid open I walk in and see my 3 year old daughter and son  crying I sigh softly picking them both up I start singing again "crashing hitting a wall.. Right now I need a miracle hurry up now I need a miracle.. Stranded reaching out I called their name but they aren't around.. I need u I need u.. I need u right now.. So don't let me down Its in my head darlings I hope u will be here when I need u the most.. So don't let me down.. So don't let me down.. Finding.. I really thought she was on my side and now there's no one by my side.. I need u I need u I need u right now.. So don't let me down.. Darlings I hope u will be here when we need u the most.. So don't let me down.. So don't let me down down down.. Don't let me down down.. I think I'm losing my mind now.. I need them I need them right now.. So don't let us down.. Think I lost my mind now it's in my head darling I hope u would be here when I need u the most.. Yeeahhh.. So don't let me down.. So don't let me down.. So don't let me down." the song trails and I rock my babies as they look at me then they spot Pietro and wiggled as they say "Dadda!" I smiled softly handing Django to Pietro and Mary to Natasha "yes Django and Mary these are ur dada's and mama's remember the stories." I say softly

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