Act two chapter four

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Tw- violence and threatening bc she turned ANGRRY
after she left I called Remus's friends and told them the news.. my heart broke for the close group of friends that had to come to New York to see the funeral.. we had made a promise if anybody died out of our group We would bury each other in New York.. so that's what we did.. he would be laid to rest next to my sister.. after calling everybody I head to the meeting room
"I promise she'll be ok" I whispered out into the air knowing Remus would hear me or Hades would and he would pass the news.. I sighed sucking a breath in as I enter my eyes softened at the sight of my mates sitting and looking nervous.. "don't interrupt me.. let me tell u a story." I told them and they nodded so I began "When I started Hogwarts.. my sisters and I formed a close bond with 3 boys. They are Remus Lupin.. Ted Tonks.. and Lucius malfoy and rodolphous Lestrange" I hear a giggle and glare at Clint my eyes showing sadness before he goes quiet.. "of course, Bellatrix had a reputation as did myself Narcissa and Andromeda.. for being the daughters of the noble and ancient house of black..  in our 3rd year Bellatrix was asked out By rodolphous when they found out they were soulmates Narcissa had Remus and Lucius but Lucius regretted her so he went off with some slut and Remus and Narcissa had a very nice time together.. at our graduation, we were attacked.. we all made it out but badly injured and traumatised. 3 years later" here I lock eyes with Pietro "When I met Pietro and Wanda it was the week after my sister's funeral. they were killed by The light side.. for being 'dark'.. Narcissa and Bellatrix left a heartbroken Remus and Rodolphous but Remus had to raise their daughter.. andromeda ran off with Ted and I didn't hear from her for a bit rodolphous soon was attacked by the light as well for 'torturing' the Longbottoms.. he left behind my niece.. her name was Kyra.. Kyra passed away this year From cancer.. soon after Lyra' I hear gasps and I don't look at my mates as I continued 'I raised Kyra as She would eventually take the queen of Pendragon estate and Camuolot but after she died her sister took over So after that.. I helped Remus raise my niece and we made a promise that if anything happens to him I would adopt her and I intend to keep that promise.. his funeral is in 2 weeks." I finished my story and I fixed my mask
"Friday how is Rose?" I mutter and she says "Rose is fine ma'am. She's watching TV right now" I smiled sadly my heart breaking.. I was officially the last black.. and would be for the rest of my life.. I wonder if the others would take immortality? I think blocking my mind from Wanda and Loki I sighed bringing myself out of my thoughts I get a call and answer 'Yes?' I say politely
he said "Where the fuck are u! U are late!"
I cover my mouth realising I was late.. shit
"Late for the lesson right? Ok, I'm on my way sorry my best friend passed away and I had to take his daughter.."
he says "Oh.. I'm sorry for ur loss do u want to reschedule?"
"uh no I think I should be ok it's just us tonight yeah?"
he replied "Yeah it is the others rebooked do u want to bring ur, niece?' I hesitated "Let me ask her then I'll text ya to see the reply yeah?" He said "Sure! No worries!" I smiled excitedly "I'm so excited for tonight!" he said "Me too love u! See u tonight" I hang up after saying goodbye
"Friday can u get Rose down here please?" she didn't reply but I heard footsteps from above.
Thor asks "Who was that where are u going tonight. And what will u be doing and what is the gender of this person?" he speaks with jealousy and slight anger..
I sighed realising they didn't trust me
"He is a male, His name is not of your concern and we will be talking. It's not a big deal" Clint says "We just worried we don't know who u are friends with and-"
"And u guys don't trust me. I know. I recognize the efforts u guys tried to hide" I hear the door open and Rose says "Aunty?" I smile at my niece
"Hello, my lovebug! Do u want to go see Uncle T?" her face lit up as she said "Really we can go? Ur mates won't be coming? We can go alone?"
I smile at her excitement "Of course! They don't control me little one" she says "YES YES YES YES YESS"
"Go get ready and wear something nice kiddo!" I call as she runs out and upstairs I smile then I drop it after I face my mates "u all listen closely. We may be mates And Close friends. But that is all we are u do not control me. I can go out when I want. Now do not call me tonight unless I'm late. Understood?" fury came in n said "Are u going somewhere?" I sighed "Fury we going to see Uncle T" his eyes softened as he said, "u sure about that?"
He chucks a file at me and I look at it..
I opened it tilting my head as I read..
"What?" I turn to him he says "We need the ghost team in. This mission has failed by our best shield agents and Yel-"
"AGENT YELLOW" I interrupted and he said "Agent Yellow and Agent Yellow 2.5 Have not been available since their baby was born can u call the team in?' I hesitated
"Will I be needed in this mission?" he nods and says "I'm sorry but u are going to rebook.."
"The ghost team will not be helping u with this. Get another agent in. And Do not. Fucking send my mates. If I come back and either of them is Injured I will rip off ur head. Cut ur tongue off. And STUCK IT IN UR THROAT. ARE U UNDERSTOOD" he looks at me shocked and Clint pulls me back from their boss I growled my eyes glowing
Fury "Yes ma'am"
"And don't call me ma'am asshole"
I went to walk out but I froze
Hearing a voice in my head 'Good job my daughter reign in the powers though. No need to reveal too early' I smile slightly hearing Poseidon's words my smile drops as Pietro comes in front of me n says "We need to talk"
At that moment Rose came down n said "Aunty I'm ready to go!" my eyes softened at the sight of my niece in her dress
"Ur mom would be so proud of who u became My little one.. And never let them take ur spirit" Her eyes turned confused as she said, "Aunty I don't know what u mean?"
"U will know what I mean when it's time my mockingbird," I say softly and smile softly
"How about u go pick out a dress for me? Yeah? We gonna be having fun tonight"
As Rose left loki growled n said "U ARE NOT GOING" Instinctively my eyes glowed dark blue but I reign in
"U do not control me."
Loki says "We are your bosses!"
"Then I quit." Loki and the other's eyes go wide as I say that and Tony says "Hold up you can't quit!"
"Mr stark I'm my own woman. I can do what I want." I threw my stark badge down
"Here is my badge. Don't bother contacting me. Fury knows where to find me." he nods n says Mayy the Fates bless u"
"And may the odds be in our favour. Goodbye avengers"
Wanda shuts the door using her magic and turns me around as she says "Don't leave please.. Loki will say sorry! Please don't leave.." my eyes soften... God damn it these guys have a grip on my heart.. Like katniss..
"Wands.." I hesitated not wanting to leave every part of me telling me to stay my brain said run my heart said stay..
Mind- Aphriodate I need u.."
Wanda steps back as My friend appears and she says "Yes Princess?" I step forward softly pulling wanda with hugging her close "U know what I want" Aphriodate takes one look around the Avengers minus Fury and she says "I can feel it. They are just worried for u.."
"So they really love-" she nods
"No no this can't happen again!" her eyes softened knowing how I felt about love... Pietro spoke, "What can't happen again?" Aphrodite spoke, "U didn't tell them?"
"Sorta ran off.. And blocked their memories?"
Aphrodite "We calling a meeting now"
"No don't they aren't-' too late.. We got transported to olympance

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