Chapter two - they meet again - act two

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Mentions of eating order sort of
I was on stage preparing to sing as the stage opened to the audience I spotted my mates.. it had been 3 years.. since I saw them. "Now Sunday morning I just It's like I lost a part of me... I'm screaming at the gods that I don't believe in.. because I don't know what to do.. I'm still holding on to everything that is dead and Gone I don't want to say goodbye because this one means forever... here I am alone with the embers and heavens.. ohh it hurts so bad for a million reasons.. digging through Ur old letters., a crumpled 56 In the box... OHH IM STILL HOLDING ONTO THAT IS DEAD AND GONE!"
"I don't want to say goodbye because this one means forever.. and now u in the stars afeet foot hasn't felt so far... Ohh it hurts so bad.. for a million reasons.. u took the best of my heart and left the rest in pieces... I'm still holding.. hold...g on... I'm still holding.. holding on... I'm still holding on... I'm still holding on to everything dead and gone... I don't want to say goodbye because this one means forever.. now u in the stars and 6 feet hasn't felt this far.. Ohh it hurts so bad.. for a million different reasons.. u took the best of my soul and left the rest in pieces.."  the next song begins "And another one bites the heart.. oh why can't I trust them.. And I want them so bad.. but it's so flagged.. and now another one loses them.. let me be clear I trust no more.. u didn't break me... I'm still fighting for peace. I have thick skin and an elastic heart... But ur glade is too sharp.." I locked eyes with Pietro
"U won't see me fall apart.. because I got an elastic heart.. yeah I got an elastic heart.. mhm.. and I stay up with u.. Let me be clear I close my eyes.. I walked through fire to save u.. and I want u so bad.. I am still recovering.. and now another bites the dust.. it's hard to lose our chosen ones... U DID NOT BREAK MEE I'm still fighting for piece.. IpeaceThick skin and an elastic heart.. But your Blade may be sharp. U won't see me fall apart..Because ...I GOT A ELASTIC HEART... Noo ohh...Nod I got thick skin and an elastic heart... IM LIKE A RUBBER BAND STILL YA PULL TOO HARD. Because I have an elastic heart. Oh, I got a thick skin.. and an elastic heart.. But ur blade is too sharp U won't see me fall apart... Yeah yeah..." The song trails off I jump off stage ignoring the audience as security escorts them out leaving the Avengers with me... I smiled sadly at them
"We go reunited in life as we do In death we will meet again my lions" As if on cue they pass out and I magically lift them as I go to my Apartment in the studio I sighed softly as I set my mates on the bed kissing their heads waiting for them to awake I knew they would be mad... I mean I ran away from them twice now... I hated hiding and barely slept and ate I only ate what I needed to survive nobody noticed at my new job nor did they care. I was bought out of my thoughts with gasps I saw everybody waking up and immediately Peter brought me into a hug I Blushed slightly shifting so I could hold the youngest mate easier and Loki spoke "So.. hi?" I let go and Peter kept me tighter
"Pete I have to let go so I can say hi to my other mates darlin" he blushed and let me go but not completely Instantly I was brought into a hug by Pietro and I hugged him feeling tears soaking my shirt... "Piet I'm here now my silver everything is ok..." I mutter to my mate and kiss his cheek easily calming him down I was released and bought into a hug by Wanda and then Natasha joined I smile at my two girls.. and I can't help but think about Lyra...
a knock on the door interrupts us I sigh wiggling out the hug of my girls As I call out "State ur business!" A voice replied, "I stand with the wing of Fire."
I sighed "Hunter let him in" I waved my hand submissively and The doors opened "Fury im tryna to bond with my mates again" I whined at my father figure and he laughed n said "Yes I know Cassie but I need to talk to them"
"heck no, fuck off" he raises an amused brow and said "Hey remember who Kept u updated With these asshats"
"and may I remind u that Pietro and Bucky nearly died 3 times?" He said "Blame Hydra and the weather"
"u blaming the weather.. on an injury...?" I tilt my head but I chuckle and push him out "Office hours are 5 pm to 5 am. Please call again. Goodbye." I slammed the door close and smiled but it wasn't my original smile...
wanda said, "What's wrong."
"just missing the kiddos that's all.." I lied and Loki said "Lie. U forget I'm the god of mischief and lies Darl" I rolled my eyes and Bucky smiled at me sheepishly Tony said, "Why did u leave." The dreaded question... I hesitate...
mind- I was not prepared for this..-
bucky sensed my hesitation and said, "Hey if u don't want to we can bring it up another day.."
I smiled at his kindness and sighed "No it's ok u deserve to know.." I sighed standing up "Merry meet I am Heiress Black.. My full name is Cordelia Cassandra Lyra black.. and I am the daughter of the sea." As I say this I drop my glamour revealing my white hair with green eyes like my father... Pietro smiled at my hair n said "So ur father is?"
"Greek god Poseidon," I said softly and I saw Loki's expression harden hearing his name I distracted myself summoning some ice and showing a memory of Lyra and Myself.. 3 weeks ago before she passed away...
in the memory...
lyra hugged me passionately and she said "Mama I miss daddy.. will he be here when I leave?" In the past, I shook my head and said "I'm sorry my little angel he can't make it.. but don't worry mama will be here she said...softly "That's ok mama... Can u sing a song?"  Past me smiled n said "Sure! What song?" She replies "the new one!"
"cold..  pouring rain.l yeah that's my Love.. he had a way. Does he know how much I love him and that we bleed the same...  don't want to cry But it broke me.. cold.. he's always my love.. I am searching high... Searching low in the night.. does he know we bleed the same..don't want to cry but it's my heartbreaking... Did he ran away did he run away? I don't know... I don't know... if he ran away come back home.. If he ran away come back home.." past me watched as Lyra went off to sleep a tall male came up and said, "It's time." My expression turned sad and I sighed as I smiled softly though anybody could see my pain "Did he run away? He ran away... I don't know... If he ran away.. if he ran away just come home.." he says back "We go reunited in life" "as we do in the underworld we will meet again my daughter." Past me kissed Lyra and watched as the Man gently picks my daughter up and he says "she will be safe With me Mistress"
"I trust u Thanatos. Take care.." with that the male and my daughter disappeared..
I sigh as the memory ends "Ohh take me home.." I muttered softly my thoughts broke as loki said "Why did he call u mistress?" In a jealous tone, I smiled softly at the memory
"Mistress of death pleasure to meet u." I curstied

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