Chapter two

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the next day
it was the next day and I was walking downstairs to talk to my mates I had recently gotten a call about my daughter and she wanted me back so I had gotten a flight for her and my brother to come down I now had to break the news to them that my 4-year-old daughter was coming to live here... I hoped they were okay with it if not I had my 2 weeks' notice in my hands I entered the lounge and held my head proudly as I said "My daughter is missing me so I have booked a flight for her and my brother to come over. If u do not wish for my 4-year-old daughter to come here is my two-week notice." Thor seemed to have thought I said boyfriend n said "That won't be needed. Will your daughter take our focus off of our job?" I sighed wondering where this was going but I straightened instinctively "No long as I can take her out every few days And keep her company she will be fine." Pietro asked, "Who is the father?" My eyes hardened and turned cold. I reigned in my control "Her father is not In my life anymore so u have no need to be jealous Mr. Maximoff" I chuckled weakly and then I turned and saw the elevator ding.. And Emily and My daughter came out? I noticed Emily was holding my daughter up and I looked at Emily (she is a service dog) she noses my daughter and it was an alert I jumped into auction grabbing Mary as I gave her juice to sip on I pulled her to the couch Emily following "down" I instruct my daughters' service dog and she laid down As I check my daughter's blood sugar... I pale realising it was low I take a sharp breath as I got a few more juices and check it it was higher now so that was good "U ok now Mary" I whispered to my daughter and say quietly to Emily "gaurd" as I take my mates out rather quickly "DAMN IT SIRIUS" I yelled angrily "stupid.." I reign in my control and Loki looks at me curiously "Hey Friday can u call Kate and Yel to look after Mary I'm taking the friends out" Friday said, "Of course miss black!" I throw suits and fancy dresses at them then I instruct them "Go get changed don't be late. Wanda. Natasha. I'm doing ur hair." The girls head off first to get ready and I go to get ready in my room as my daughter was ok with Emily I get changed and then hear a knock I open the door and push Natasha gently to the chair as I start braiding her hair I started humming "if I told u this was only gonna hurt. If I warned u the fire is gonna burn.. would u let me guide u when u blind.. in the sadness when there's nobody by ur side.. would u call.. In the name of love.. in the name of love.. If I told u we could bath in the lights would u rise and come meet us in the sky? When there's madness and poison in ur head I will hold u.. in the depths of our despair.." I sang softly as I braided Natasha's hair "In the name of love... In the name of love... I wanna testify.. screaming the holy lights.. u brought me back to life and it's all in the name of love.. I want to testify u brought me back to life.. and it's all in the name of love.." I hummed softly as I finished her hair I ushered Wanda into the chair a new song started "Oh she don't see the light that's shining.. maybe we made to be blind so she can cover her pain? Bc Blacks don't cry.. but there's hope in the light Of the darkness., u should know you are a beautiful princess.. no scars to ur beauty.. Oh oh.. and u don't have to change. The world could change ur heart.. she has dreams of being with them.. so she's starving.. u know blacks eat nothing. I can go a while longer.. she doesn't see. She doesn't understand she's perfect. So to all the Ladies that are hurting let me be ur mirror... there is hope in the light. U should know u are beautiful the way u are. U don't have to change the world can change their heart. and u don't have to change a thing. No scars to ur beauty.. nobody knew u. Nobody in the life we living.. ohh beautiful.. there's hope in the dark. U should know u are beautiful the way u are... Oh, no scars to ur beauty... Mmhmm.. and u don't have to change a thing the world could change its heart." As the song trails I finish her braid and kiss her head a song starts as I start braiding my hair "I'm sorry I let u down.. all the voices in my head get loud. Im sorry I let u down.. yeah I guess I'm a disappointment but I don't want to disappoint u. I'm just gonna ignore u. Walking towards ya head down. parents very loyal. it's like I'm on the edge right now. Wish I could say I'm proud... All the voices get loud. I wish I could shut them. I'm sorry I let u down... Yeah. U don't wanna make this work u wanna make this worse. Let me guess u want an apology? Please don't come after me. I just wanna be happy. It's like I'm on the edge right now. I wish I could say I'm proud. I'm sorry I let u down. I wish I could shut them out...  I'm sorry I let them down.. yeah don't talk down to me packed my bags and ran away. I don't want to come over. I guess I'm a letdown. Oh, u wanna be friends now? Oh ok, let me put my fake face on.. let me see if I can find that joke no at least ya happy... I'm sorry I let ya down.. all the voices in my head get loud. I'm sorry I let them down... I'm sorry... I'm sorry.. ohh oooh yeah I'm sorry I let them down.." the song trails and I finish my hair tying it into a bun as I head downstairs  with my girls I keep them close as I see Yelena
"I'll tell u all about it when I see ya again" Yelena said "We came a long way from the way we began.." I sighed in relief
"Hey, Yel.." I hugged her and she said, "Hey U, ok now.. go have fun with ya friends yeah?"
"always and forever"
she replies "We go reunited in death as we do in life for now we will see each other again my love" I smile at the lines.. and she says "I'll always remember. Now go have fun and get a man yeah?" I laughed "Yel u know I haven't been with a man since P" Kate said "u should get a man"
"I'm fine on my own besides I got ya two" I bump shoulders with them and see the males come down I huffed seeing their ties "Goodness Odin's sake boys can't tie a tie yet ya can have ur girls." I laughed at their blushing faces
I tied their ties and Yelena came up behind me "We came a long way.." "From where we began.. I'll tell ya about it when we see each other again.."  "Once I was 7 years old my mama told me Don't cry."
"go make yourself some husbands or y'all be disowned.." "It was a big big world but I thought I could handle it." Yelena sang "burning. Once I was 11 years old" Yelena said, "go get ya self into Slytherin or  be disowned."
"I started having dreams so I told my best friends.. but they bullied me."  Yelena sang next "Once we were 20 years old... we only saw our goals" "We didn't believe in failure. I got my boys with me." Yelena said "And if we don't meet again before we leave I hope I can meet again soon.."
"Once we were 24 years old.."
"soon we'll be 25.."  The song trails and I kiss her head like a mother would "Soon we'll be 25..." I finished softly
Yelena said "Now go have fun" We walked out I kept my head down as I walked at the back.. wishing I could join them but we climbed in the car and I zoned out as we got to the bar I exited with my girls and held my head proud
"Baby ya the man.. but I got the power. U make it rain but I make it shower. U should know im the one In control" I say to the guard and instantly he lets us in I guide us in smirking "ya welcome" I roll my eyes "OI bartender. Get us drinks. The usual" I tell him and he  he smiles and says "Double rocks? U got it Mam" I chuckle at the weird nickname and Natasha smiles at me seeing I am enjoying myself "Come on go dance." I tell them and Natasha and Wanda get up instantly the music stops as they go dancing I growl and rush up to the stage I start singing "We've only been dating for 3 years... but I was gonna take a risk and say... I want the picket fences around the back... it's normal to be scared. But I wanna bend the rules.. so ask me any question I don't care.. the only thing I care about if u are happy... I wanted to take ur name but I knew u were happy.. everybody thought I was crazy and maybe I am. I hate the middle skip to the middle where ya kiss.. know we were too late to get married. I'm sick of waiting can we skip to the part.. the only way it's gonna hurt so I'm wishing upon the gods that we meet up in heaven and we fall in love again.." I sang softly watching the couples dance "surrounded by friends and family we knew I was too late... I'm sick of waiting can I just tell them.. when I met them... I told my friends they were the ones.. but they weren't.. look where we at?" The song trails "I don't know what I'm supposed to do... take me back to the night we met.." I locked eyes with Pietro before pulling my eyes down to Wanda I showed sadness in my eyes before I glanced up straightening my posture and I turned the mic off before running off stage I could feel the Avengers following me.

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